6-44. Camera Rail, Tube, and Drivescrew Cleaning and
(4) Install the camera back by connecting back
support plate (4, fig. 6-17) to tube flange by inserting eight hex
Clean the tube and its front and rear flanges with a brush and
socket head screws (3) and lock-washers (21. Clamp flexible
cleaning solvent. Clean the camera rail and drivescrews and
rubber hose (12, fig. 1-4) onto vacuum back valve housing (1).
jack screws with a cloth dampened with cleaning solvent.
Clean out dirt impacted in teeth of drive sprocket and between
at both ends of camera.
links of drive chain. Brush off dirt on camera skid, and then
clean with a brush and cleaning solvent. Inspect the tube for
(6) Screw on copyboard and lensboard drive
dents and damages, affecting its alinement. Check the tube
brackets on the drivescrew. Insert shaft end of drivescrew into
flanges for cracks and splits in casting. Inspect the rail's bevel
front tube flange (13, fig. 6-17); insert other end into flange (14,
edges for wear and corrosion. Examine drivescrews and jack
fig. 6-191. Install other drivescrew on
camera, using same
screws for slipped or worn threads and for general wear,
affecting their alignment. Check the drive sprockets for broken
(7) Connect lensboard extension shaft (10, fig. 6-
or worn teeth, and the drive chain for damaged links. Replace
17) to
the back support plate (4) with pin (ll) inserted into
defective parts if necessary. Lubricate the drivescrews and jack
universal joint (12). In similar manner, connect extension shaft
screw s.
on other side of rail (5).
6-45. Camera Rail, Tube, and Drivescrew Installation
(8) Install the camera rail (7, fig. 6-19) on the tube
a. Installation.
(12) with 26 screws (8). Install limit switch track (9) with six
(1) Place and align the tube on the camera skid.
screws (10).
Screw the front jack screw (14, fig. 6-17) into the front tube
flange (131, and the rear jack screw (13, fig. 6-19) into tube
flange (14). Block up or hoist the camera tube to allow for
installation of drive chain and sprockets.
(11) Install the copyboard carriage assembly (para
(2) With the camera tube suitably raised, lower the
6-20. b. )
and lenboard carriage assembly (para 6-281. Install
jack screw (2, fig. 6-21) until it protrudes through bottom of tube
the arc lamp arm assembly on the copyboard carriage (para
flange. Place the drive sprocket (6) on jack screw and secure
with tapered pin (7) and setscrew (10-. Lower the jack screw
until its end rests in bearing (9) on camera skid. In the same
(and install the tube support assembly (para 4-36. d. ).
manner, install other jack screw at opposite end of camera.
(3) Adjust the jack screws so as to provide a
uniform lift with each other. Turn jack screws individually,
counterclockwise or clockwise, to obtain correct adjustment.
b. Calibrating. Calibrate the camera to the lens as
Install chain (5, fig. 6-21) on drive sprockets (6l, being careful
not to turn jack screws.