4-30. Arc Lamp Arm Assembly
a. Description. The arc lamp arm assembly is the carrier
of the arc lamp, mainly consisting of the center arm bracket (11,
fig. 4-6) and the free-end arm bracket (14), which are coupled
by a hinge pin (13) and cap nut (12). The collar (17) supports
the arc lamp and is pinned to the pivot pin in the free-end
bracket by a taper pin. The locking bracket (18) on the base of
this arm bracket is used to couple the arc lamp arm assembly
to the lensboard carriage for shipping purposes. The hinge pin
shaft (6), is the main pivoting axle of the arm assembly.
b. Removal.
(1) Remove the hinge pin nuts (7, fig. 4-6) and
washers (8) from the cross brace assembly (5), and lift the
assembly from the camera rail (4), exposing the ends of the
hinge pins (6).
1. Cap nut
2. Washer
(2) Remove cap nut (10), and washer (8). Tap out
3. Taper pin
taper pin that pins the hinge pin shaft (6) to the center arm
4. Hinge pin shaft
bracket (11). Lift the hinge pin (6) to release the center arm
5. Washers
bracket (11) from the secured-end arm bracket (9).
0. Hex nut
7. Center arm bracket
c. Disassembly.
8. Hinge pin
9. Free-end arm bracket
10. Drive pin
11. Collar
12. Pivot pin
(2) Remove cap nut (15) and lock nut (17). Tap out
13. Locking bracket
taper pin (10) from collar (11) and pivot pin (12). Lift out hinge
14. Screw, hex soc hd
pin (8). Remove screws (14 and 16) from securing locking
10-32 x :
bracket (13) to free-end arm bracket (9).
15. Cap nut
16. Screw, hex soc hd
10-32 x 1
17. Hex nut
18. Cap nut
Figure 4-12. Arc lamp arm assembly, exploded view.