Support bracket
Connector nipple
Screw, pan hd, /4-18 x /2
4-32. Description
needle of the volt-ohmmeter does not deflect, the circuit is
The four-wire electrical supply from the portable! generator is
open. Repeat test for terminals No. 2 and No. 3 (2 and 3, fig.
designed to deliver a 208 volt, 60 cycle, 3 phase source from
4-15 and L2
and L3, fig. 111) maintaining second test lead
which a 120 volt supply can be obtained between any phase
line and the fourth ground wire. Accordingly, some of the
equipment such as the carriage drive motors, operates from the
b. Test for Open Circuit in Arc Lamp Network (fig. 4-16
3 phase 208 volt supply, whereas others, such as the arc lamps
and fig. 4-7). Disconnect power source from arc lamp at the
and the turbo-compressor motors, are balanced on the 120 volt
supply legs. All wires are numbered to facilitate tracing lines
rear cover plate (8, fig. 4-11) from the arc lamp to expose the
and servicing the electrical equipment.
ohmmeter in the XI mode. Apply one test lead to transducer
4-33. Wire Testing and Repair
terminal No. 2 or No. 3 (2 or 9, fig. 416 and fig. 4-7) and the
a. Test for Open Circuit in Camera Network (fig. 4-15 and
other test lead across socket contact No. 2 and No. 3 (4, fig.
fig. 1-11). Disconnect power source at
the main junction box
4-16 and A,
fig. 47). If
the needle of
the volt-ohmmeter does
not deflect the circuit is open. Similarly, test transducer
"OFF" position. Remove cover from the main junction box to
expose terminal connections. Set the volt-ohmmeter in the XI
mode. Apply test lead across terminal No. I in the main
junction box (1, fig. 415 and LI, fig. 1-11) and place the other
test lead