(2) Connect flexible hose (4, fig. 6-11 to rear of the
(4) with four screws (241. Screw compressor extension (1) into
turbo-compressor assembly with clamp (2), screw (3).
cover plate flange.
b. Installation.
(3) Connect wire cable from the motor outlet box to
(1) Position
the main junction box.
assembly on the vibration mounts (7, fig. 4-13), and secure with
four nuts (8).
6-5. Description
(3) Remove two screws (13), securing wire cover
The driving motors (5 and 9 , fig. 1-7) for the copyboard turbo-
plate (12) to front end frame (10). Lift off wire cover plate.
compressor and the lensboard turbo-compressor are identical,
(4) Remove end nut (17) and gasket (16). Remove
each being a universal a-c-d-c type which operates on 115 volt,
four screws (1), securing end plate (15) to front end frame (10).
25 to 60 cycle current frequency, drawing 10 amperes at a
Lift off front end plate.
speed of 6,500 rpm. The motors are cooled by an internal fan
An internally connected capacitor provides
filtering for radio interference elimination. The field rings and
lockwasher (19),and bearing washer (201, securing front
poles are intergral with the field frame assembly, being sealed
bearing (25) to shaft of armature (8). Remove front bearing by
and aligned to the frame.
(6) Remove four screws (1), securing end plate (2)
6-6. Vacuum Turbo-Compressor Motor Disassembly
to rear end frame (5). Remove end plate, gasket (3), and
locking ring (4).
b. Dumbly.
cover (10) to the outlet box. Remove cover and remove leads
Lift off front end frame (10) and rear end frame (5). Remove
to motor. Remove two screws, securing box to motor and lift
condenser (capacitor) (26) from front end frame.
off box.
(8) Remove armature (8) with rear bearing (6) and
fan (7) attached. Place assembly in an arbor press and, with
brush cover plate (22) to front end frame (10). Slide out brush
the bearing blocked up, press bearing off shaft. In similar
(23) and brush holder (24). ID similar manner, remove brush
manner, press off fan.
on opposite side of front end frame.
Figure 6-3. Vacuum turbo-compressor motor, exploded view.