TM 11-6720-242-35
leads to obtain a reading of 1000 rpm on the counter.
(2) Adjust the power supply for an input of +0.40 0.08
Approximately 4.5 vdc will be needed.
vdc across pins 1E and 2H (ground).
c. Adjust potentiometer R1, located on the printed
The scan motor will not rotate.
circuit board mounted at the end of the tachometer, to
the momentary switch S5 on and off for a single +22 + 2
obtain an initial reading of +0.560 +0.001 vdc measured
vdc pulse. Check the counter for a motor speed of 1000
across the 9760-ohm resistor. The final reading permits
180 rpm.
a tolerance of 0.006 vdc.
d. Increase the voltage to obtain a reading of 5000 rpm
(4) Simulate the puck switch pulse by turning the
momentary switch S4 on and off. The scan motor must
on the counter. Check the voltmeter for a reading of
+2.80 0.03 vdc. Readjust potentiometer R1 to correct
(5) Set test switch S1 to the on position. The scan
any variation in the reading.
e. Increase the voltage to obtain a reading of 8000 rpm
motor will rotate at 1000 180 rpm.
(6) Hold momentary switch S4 in the on position. The
on the counter. Check the voltmeter for a reading of
scan motor must continue to run at 1000 + 180 rpm.
+4.48 0.05 vdc. Readjust potentiometer R1 to correct
(7) Set test switch S1 to the off position. The scan
any variation in the reading. Then repeat steps b and c
motor must stop. Release the momentary switch S4.
f. Increase the voltage to obtain a reading of 12, 000
(8) Close test switch S2 momentarily. The rotation of
the motor at the 1000 180 rpm speed will indicate that
rpm on the counter. Check the voltmeter for a reading
scan control relay K1 operated.
of +6.72 0.07 vdc. Readjust potentiometer R1 to
correct any variation in the reading. Then repeat steps
a. Connect the scan motor and tachometer-generator
c, d, and e above.
assembly to the test setup as shown in figure 4-5.
been met, seal the potentiometer R1 adjustment screw
When the designated value or condition
with glyptal.
of a test is not obtained, replace the
malfunctioning component.
b. Adjust the power supply connected to the scan motor
4-11. General
The practices pertaining to removal and disassembly
practives are applicable at the general support level of
The procedures of this section include the removal,
disassembly, reassembly, and installation procedures of
the assemblies and parts which are serviced at the
4-14. Repair and Alinement of Body Drive, Aircraft
general support level of maintenance.
Camera LA-41 A Components
procedures are a part of reassembly and installation and
are included with the instructions of these procedures.
Procedures for repairing and alining camera body
4-12. General Parts Replacement Techniques
assemblies and parts by general support personnel are
The techniques and procedures contained in paragraph
4-15. Repair and Alinement of AEC Assembly
3-7 are applicable for repairs and alinements at the
general support level of maintenance. There are no
other special instructions for general support
The aec assembly is an integrated component of the
camera body. Procedures for the repair and alinement
of the aec assembly by general support personnel are
4-13. Considerations Before Disassembly