TM 11-6720-242-35
(3) Remove the pin (96) and the retaining ring (93) to
pins in the pivot plate assembly (25) must extend
disassemble the actuator (91) from the bracket (89).
through the respective slots in the upper and lower
b. Replacement and Installation.
diaphragm blades (22 and 24).
(5) Insert the required number of the spacers (32-34)
(1) Replace and reassemble the switch actuator (91) in
over the end of the pivot plate shaft (25) which extends
the bracket (89) in the reverse order of the disassembly
below the carriage, to limit the end play from 0.001 to
procedures ((3) above).
0.003 inch. Secure the assembly in place with the
(2) Then attach the bracket (89) to the housing (129)
retaining ring (31). Check the rotation of the pivot plate
and install the switch (84) and the switch actuator (87).
shaft (25) for freedom of movement.
(6) Engage the straight end of the spring (26) with the
installation as described in the procedures.
pin that is inserted in the lower diaphragm blade (24).
4-25. Removal and Replacement of Capping Link
Rotate the spring and insert the looped end under the
and Capping Blade
screw (22). Tighten the three screws (22) to secure the
diaphragm blade guide (21) in place.
a. Removal.
b. Installation. Installation of the carriage assembly is a
reversal of the removal procedures described in a
(1) Release the spring (107) from the capping link (103)
and the housing (129).
(2) Remove the retaining ring (104), spacer (105).
4-21. Removal and Replacement of Upper and
(3) Remove two screws (109) securing the capping link
Lower Diaphragm Blades
trunnion (108) to the housing (129). Withdraw the
trunnion shaft from the spring (107), capping link (103),
and the shim (105).
replacement procedures of the upper or lower
(4) Remove the retaining ring (112) and the spacers
diaphragm blades.
(113 and 114) from the shaft of the capping blade (122).
The capping blade can then be withdrawn from the
4-22. Removal and Replacement of Optical Lens
shutter blade trunnion (116).
b. Replacement. Install a capping link (103) and
capping blade (122) in the reverse sequence of the
removal procedures.
replacement procedures of the optical lens assembly.
4-26. Removal and Replacement of Shutter Blade
4-23. Removal and Replacement of the Carriage
a. Removal.
(1) Unhook the spring (120) from the shutter blade
(121). Remove the two screws (117) securing the
replacement procedures of the carriage assembly.
shutter blade trunnion (116) to the housing (129).
4-24. Removal and Replacement of Sensitive (End
(2) Remove the retaining ring (112) and the spacers
(113 and 114) from the capping blade shaft (122)
of Film) Switch, Switch Actuator, and Switch
extending through the shutter trunnion (116). Remove
the capping blade (122).
(3) Remove the shutter trunnion (116). The diaphragm
a. Removal.
link (118) and shutter blade (121) will now be free for
(1) Remove the two screws (85) securing the plate (86),
switch (84), actuator (87), and nut plate (88) to the
b. Replacement. Install a shutter blade (121) in the
bracket (89).
reverse sequence of the removal procedures.
(2) Remove the screws (90) securing the bracket
assembly (89) to the housing (129).