TM 11-6720-242-35
4-37. Removal and Replacement of Drive Body Gear
pin (195), protruding 0.16-0.01 inch above the bottom of
the housing (198), is seated in the slot of the drag brake
(157) and the solenoid liner (173) is seated in the slot of
the coupling (155).
The cover (13, fig. 34 (1)) must be
(3) Apply a thin coat of molybdenum disulfide lubricant
removed to gain access to the gear
to the contacting surfaces of the spur gear (150) and the
train components described in this
shoulder of the shaft (169).
(4) Shim between the spur gear (150) and the ball
The procedures of this paragraph describe the removal
bearing (147) for an end play between 0 and 0.0002
and replacement of the gear assemblies that comprise,
inch. The distance between the outer face of the spur
with one exception, the body gear train. The scan
gear (150) and the flange of the housing (197) should be
1.594 inch.
replacement of the helical gear and sprocket assembly
(5) Insert the spring washer (163) and a shim (164) that
(93, fig. 3-4 (4)) which is on the prism shaft is a depot
will compress the height of the spring washer between
function but the replacement of cluster gear and spur
0.010 and 0.015 inch, and the retaining ring (165).
assembly (144) requires that helical gear and sprocket
(6) With the solenoid (166) and the solenoid lever (173)
assembly (93, fig. 3-4 (4)) be removed first to gain
installed, the gap between the coupling pin (156) and
access to the other assemblies. The procedures for
the face of the spur gear (150) must be 0.012-0.002
removing and reinstalling gear assembly (93) is,
therefore, included in this paragraph. The importance of
synchronizing prism rotation, film advancement, puck
Removal and Replacement of Solenoid
switch actuation, and cam action cannot be
Assembly and Lever Assembly
overemphasized. The specific instructions are included
with the reassembly and installation procedures and
Following the
a. Removal.
replacement of a gear, apply synthetic grease, Anderol-
(1) Remove the retaining ring (174) and the helical
L757 to the teeth.
tension spring (176).
a. Removal and Replacement of Prism and Gear
Remove the two screws (178) securing; the
trunnion(177). Withdraw the trunnion and remove the
(1) Removal (fig. 3-4 (4)).
b. Replacement.
(b) Remove the two screws (81) securing the flange
(1) The replacement of the solenoid assembly and the
(80) to the helical gear and sprocket assembly (93).
lever assembly is a reversal of the removal procedures
Remove the belt (79).
of a above and the special instructions described below.
(c) Support the sprocket of the helical gear and
(2) Shim as required under the retaining ring (174) to
sprocket assembly (93) with a wood or aluminum block
obtain an end play of 0.001 to 0.003 inch.
and carefully tap out the pin (92).
(3) Loosen the nut (197) inside the housing and a8just
(d) Pull the helical gear and sprocket assembly (93) off
the screw (196) to obtain a gap of 0.004 + 0.002 inch
the shaft of the prism assembly (95).
between the imc coupling (155) and the spur gear (150),
(e) Support the prism assembly (95), then remove the
with the solenoid energized.
cover (98), support the pad (1001, and the prism bracket
4-36. Removal and Replacement of Terminal Board
(f) Remove the prism assembly (95) from the housing
(198), with the shim (96) and the bearing (97).
(2) Replacement (fig. 8-4 (4)).
The removal and replacement of the terminal board
(a) Replacement of the prism and gear assembly (95) is
(139) is obvious. The only special instruction is the
a reversal of the removal procedures of (1) above and
importance of identifying each wire before it is
conformity to the following special procedures.
disconnected from the board.
Change 3 4-22