TM 11-6720-239-35
(6) Carefully inspect the light seals between
g. Plug in and operate the flashgun. Use a G. E.
the shutter and the light source box, and between
No. EEK test bulb or a regular M-3 flashbulb.
the camera back and the phototube/camera
Check to see that test bulb fires.
h. Perform the bellows light leak test in a light
tight room; use a light leak probe and carefully
b. Test Procedures. For each test setting in step
inspect the bellows for holes.
c, proceed as follows:
i. Insert a film pack into the camera and take
(1) Make the necessary light source and
several pictures. Carefully examine the prints for
camera settings.
(2) Cock and trip the shutter.
4-5. Shutter Assembly Operational
c. Test Settings.
a. Preliminary Connections.
Correct oscilloscepe
(1) Set the L/D control to normal and focus
Light source setting
for infinity.
10.5ms to 16 ms
150 dull
50 cdls/ft2
145ms to 98ms
(2) Mount the camera on the test stand with
150 bright
800 cdls/ft2
0.63ms to 1.2ms
150 dull
the lens and photocell flush against the corre-
22ms to 35ms
5 0 c d l s / f t2
75 dull
sponding openings in the light source box.
10.5ms to 20ms
3.125cdls/ft 2
3000 dull
(3) Open the back of the camera and insert
d. Performance Standards for Camera Shut-
the phototube/camera adapter; make sure that
ters. The camera shutter must perform within the
the phototube is installed and connected as shown.
indicated limits at every test setting. If any oscil-
(4) Apply power to the oscilloscope, 90-volt
loscope indication is outside the required limits,
the camera is not acceptable for reissue.
AllOW equipment to warm up for approximately
10 minutes.
4-6. Finder Assembly Operational
(a) Set UPPER BEAM control to AC-DC.
a. Inspect for obvious
damage to optical compo-
(b) Set SYNC control to UPPER DC.
(c) Set MODE SELECT control to NOR-
b. Focus on an object
about a mile away. Check
to see that the movable
image is superimposed on
(d) Set SENSITIVITY control to 4 CM.
the fixed image.
c. Focus on an object
3 to 4 feet away. Check
Time is measured from open to
to see that the movable
image is superimposed on
closed shutter.
the fixed image.