TM 11-6720-239-35
c. Minimum Distance Check. Focus on an object
(5) Feed shutter release cable through wire
tab on the bellows assembly.
3 feet away. With the focusing mechanism set
at minimum range, the movable image and the
(6) Position the shutter release knob so that
fixed image must be superimposed. Adjust as indi-
the printed numeral is upright when camera is
cated in step d.
held in the normal operating position.
(7) Slip shutter release cable under cable re-
d. Vertical and Horizontal Adjustments.
lease cover and fit it loosely against the end slot
(1) To make a horizontal adjustment, turn
on the shutter release block.
the top left-hand image adjusting screw at the
(8) Center shutter release cable firmly under
release cover tab and tighten the three screws.
(2) To make a vertical adjustment, turn the
(9) Check the shutter release action per b
top fight-hand image adjusting screw at the rear
above. If the shutter release action is improper,
of the mirror. If further adjustment is required,
loosen the cable release cover and adjust the posi-
bend the focus bar bracket as needed.
tion of the cable to provide faster or more delayed
(3) Vertical and horizontal adjustments
tripping action.
should hold true on all ranges from 3 feet to
3-23. Final Adjustment of Finder Assembly
(4) When all adjustments are completed,
Final adjustment is performed after the prelimi-
shellac the image adjusting screws at the rear of
nary adjustments have been made and the finder
the mirror.
assembly has been mounted on the camera.
e. Parallax Adjustments.
a. Mounting the Finder Assembly.
(1) Attach base plate to the finder assembly
(1) Frame a subject and take a picture.
housing with three screws provided.
(2) To adjust the Albator images, turn the
(2) Set spring over left hinge pin, and posi-
sliding mask adjusting screw located behind the
tion finder assembly and camera body.
sliding mask assembly.
(3) Using the finder assembly removal and
(3) Take another picture and proceed on a
insertion tool, force the left hinge pin into place to
trial and error basis until adjustment is complete.
secure the finder assembly to camera body.
f. Procedures Following Adjustment.
b. Maximum Distance Check. Place the camera
(1) Cover all adjusting screws with shellac.
on a flat surface and focus on an upright object at
(2) Attach cover plate to range finder/view-
least a mile away. With the focusing mechanism
finder housing with two screws provided.
set at infinity, the movable image and the fixed
image must be superimposed. Adjust as indicated
(3) Attach cover to range finder/viewfinder
in step d.
housing with three screws provided.