TM 11-6720-239-35
erture opening. The end of the closing blade
(g) Must R1 (6) as necessary to obtain
required reading.
spring should rest on the retaining pin.
b. Electronic Mounting Block Assembly Adjust-
This adjustment affects all shutter
speeds. To insure accurate shutter per-
(1) General. To adjust the electronic mount-
formance, after the R1 adjustment has
ing block assembly, first make all shutter electri-
been made, a complete shutter assembly
cal connections.
(2) Adjust top potentiometer R1 on the elec-
(3) Adjust the bottom potentiometer (R3) on
(a) Disconnect the white battery clip from
lows :
(b) Connect the negative (-) lead of a
(a) Connect the negative (-) lead of a
(c) Connect the positive (+) lead of the
multimeter to the positive (+) terminal of the
tery B1.
(b) Connect the positive (+) lead of the
multimeter to the wiper arm of R3.
(d) Cock the shutter and set electronic
mounting block face down on the workbench.
(c) Cock and trip the shutter. The meter
(e) Set the multimeter to a scale higher
should indicate 0.75 vdc or more.
than 20 ma DC.
(d) If the meter indicates less than 0.75
vdc, replace photocell V1 with a photocell from
(f) Trip the shutter and read the meter.
The reading should be 20 1 MA.
the next lower color group.