TM 11-672-239-35
u. Attach cam guide (13) to cam (11), and set
d. Carefully slide movable image aperture plate
(49) into channel indicated.
cam spring (12) over guide (13), with the curved
end of the spring hooked on the edge of the slot in
e. Hook one end of spring (50) into hole in
cam (11).
aperture plate (49). Bring other end of spring
v. Slip cam (11) over pivot stud (56), so that
(50) through hole in floor of housing (60) and
the pin on cantilever assembly (15) protrudea
anchor to underside of housing.
through the slot on cam (11). Secure cam (11) to
f. Carefully install tube (48) in magnifying
pivot stud (56) with retaining ring (10).
lens (45).
w. Slip roller (20) onto the straight end of
g. Insert magnifying lens cover plate (47),
spring (19).
magnifying lens frame spring (46), and magnify-
x. Position spring (19) so that roller (20) rests
ing lens (45) into channels indicated.
in the groove on the bottom of lens holder (23).
h. Insert eyelens (43) and shim spring (44),
Secure the curved end of spring (19) to the side
into channels indicated.
of rangefinder/viewfinder housing (60) with ad-
justing screw (18).
i. Insert beam splitter (41) and beam splitter
spring (42) into channels indicated.
y. Tension the straight end of cam spring (12)
against the rear screw hole on the bottom of
j. Insert objective lens (39) and two spring
rangefinder/viewfinder housing (60).
shims (40) into channels indicated.
z. Press two hinge pins (8 and 9) and plug (7)
k. Mount parallax mask subassembly (38), slid-
into place.
ing mask subassembly (37), and two eccentric
bushings (35 and 36) on rangefinder/viewfinder
aa. Position baseplate (6) on bottom of range-
housing (60) and secure with two screws (34).
finder/viewfinder housing (60) with hinge pins (8
and 9) toward f rent and secure with three screws
l. Insert rangefinder lens (32) and two spring
shims (33) into channels indicated.
ab. Position cover plate (4) on top of rangefin-
m. Mount sliding mask interlock (31) on mount
der/viewfinder housing (60) and secure with two
spring post (59) and secure with retaining ring
screws (3).
ac. Place rangefinder/viewfinder cover (2),
n. Mount sliding mask lever (27) and sliding
with the three lens openings toward front, over
mask lever spring (29) on pivot stud (57) and
rangefinder/viewfinder housing (60) so that cover
secure with retaining ring (26).
(2) fits tightly against lip of baseplate (6).
o. Fit long end of lever spring (29) under slid-
Secure cover (2) with two screws (1).
ing mask lever (27).
3-17. Reassembling the
Front Cover
p. Install adjusting screw (24) in lens holder
a. Attach clip spring (7) to clip spring assem-
q. Position adjustable lens (22) in lens holder
bly (6) and set both parts into slot on mounting
(23) and secure with three screws (21).
plate hinge (8).
r. Position lens holder (23) on pivot stud (58).
b. While holding clip spring (7) and clip spring
s. Position movable image lens spring (17) on
assembly (6) firmly in place, carefully position
the bottom of range finder/viewfinder housing
mounting plate hinge (8) on front cover (9).
(60) so that the curved end of the spring is
c. Using universal riveter tool, secure mounting
against the rear wall of the range finder/view-
plate hinge (8) to cover (9) with two rivets.
finder housing, and the straight end is against the
post on the bottom of lens holder (23). Secure
d. Grasp clip spring (7) firmly and tension the
lens spring (17) in position with retaining ring
clip spring. (7) by pulling up on clip spring as-
sembly (6).
t. Slip bushing (25) and cantilever subassembly
e. Attach and hold mounting clip hinge (4) to
(15) onto pivot stud (58), and secure with retain-
mounting plate hinge (8) by sliding mounting
ing ring (14):
plate hinge pin (3) into slots.