TM 11-6720-239-35
rials, or high dollar value reusable cas-
items will be filled by use of the next
ings or castings.
higher assembly or component.
b. Federal Stock Number, Column 2. This
X 2-Repair parts which are not stocked. The
column indicates the Federal stock number as-
indicated maintenance category re-
signed to the item and will be used for requisition-
quiring such repair parts will attempt
ing purposes.
to obtain same through cannibiliza-
tion. Where such repair parts are not
c. Description, Column 3. This column indicates
obtainable through cannibalization, re-
the Federal item name and any additional descrip-
quirements will be requisitioned, with
tion of the item required. The index number has
been included as a part of the description to aid in
normal supply channels.
the location of "same as" items. A part number or
G --Major assemblies that are procured with
other reference number is followed by the applica-
PEMA funds for initial issue only as
ble five-digit Federal supply code for manufactur-
exchange assemblies at DSU and GSU
ers in parentheses.
level. These assemblies will not be
d. Unit of Measure (U/M), Column 4. A 2-
stocked above DS and GS level or re-
character alphabetic abbreviation indicating the
turned to depot supply level.
amount or quantity of the item upon which the
(2) Maintenance code indicates the lowest
allowances are based; e. g., ft, ea, pr, etc.
category of maintenance authorized to install the
e. Quantity Incorporated in Unit, Column 5.
listed item. The maintenance level codes are--
This column indicates the quantity of the item
used in the KS101A. Subsequent appearances of
the same item in the same assembly are indicated
by the letters "REF".
Organizational maintenance
Direct support maintenance
f. 30-Day DS/GS Maintenance Allowances, Col-
General support maintenance
umns 6 and 7.
Depot maintenance
Allowances in GS column are for GS
(3) Recoverability code indicates whether
maintenance only.
unserviceable items should be returned for recov-
(1) The allowance columns are divided into
ery or salvage. Items not coded are expendable.
three subcolumns. Indicated in each subcolumn,
Recoverability codes are--
opposite the first appearance of each item, is the
total quantity of items authorized for the number
R --Repair parts and assemblies that are eco-
of equipments supported. Subsequent appearances
nomically repairable at DSU and GSU
of the same item will have the letters "REF" in
activities and are normally furnished by
the applicable allowance columns. Items author-
supply on an exchange basis.
ized for use as required, but not for initial stock-
S --Repair parts and assemblies which are eco-
age, are identified with an asterisk in the allow-
nomically repairable at DSU and GSU
ance column.
activities and which normally are fur-
(2) The quantitative allowances for DS/GS
nished by supply on an exchange basis.
levels of maintenance will represent initial stock-
When items are determined by a GSU
age for a 30-day period for the number of equip-
to be uneconomically repairable, they
ments supported.
will be evacuated to a depot for evalua-
(3) Determination of the total quantity of
tion and analysis before final disposition.
parts required for maintenance of more than 100
T --High dollar value recoverable repair parts
of these equipments can be accomplished by con-
which are subject to special handling
verting the equipment quantity to a decimal
and are issued on an exchange basis.
factor by placing a decimal point before the next
Such repair parts normally are repaired
to last digit of the number to indicate hundredths,
or overhauled at depot maintenance ac-
and multiplying the decimal factor by the parts
quantity authorized in the 51100 allowance
U --Repair parts specifically selected for sal-
column. Example, authorized allowance for 51-
vage by reclamation units because of
100 equipments is 40; for 150 equipments multi-
precious metal content, critical mate-
ply 40 by 1.50 or 60 parts required.