TM 11-6720-239-35
g. 1-Year Allowances Per 100 Equipments/Con-
B-5. Location of Repair Parts
tingency Planning Purposes, Column 8. This
a. This appendix contains two cross-reference
column indicates opposite the first appearance of
indexes (sec. IV and sec. V) to be used to locate a
each item the total quantity required for distribu-
repair part when either the Federal stock number,
tion and contingency planning purposes. The
reference number (manufacturer's part number),
range of items indicates total quantities of all au-
or reference designation is known. The first
thorized items required to provide for adequate
column in each index is prepared in numerical
support of 100 equipments for 1 year.
and/or alpha-numeric sequence in ascending
order. Where a Federal stock number is not listed,
h. Depot Maintenance Allowance Per 100
refer to the reference number (manufacturer's
Equipments, Column 9. This column indicates op-
part numbers) immediately following the Federal
posite the first appearance of each item, the total
stock number.
quantity authorized for depot maintenance of 100
equipments. Subsequent appearances of the same
b. When the Federal stock number is known,
item will have the letters "REF" in the allowance
follow the procedures given in (1) and (2) below.
(1) Refer to the index of Federal stock num-
column. Items authorized for use as required, but
not for initial stockage, are identified with an as-
bers (sec. IV) and locate the Federal stock num-
terisk in the allowance column.
ber. The FSN is cross-referenced to the applicable
figure and reference designation.
i. Illustration, Column 10. This column is di-
(2) When the reference designation is deter-
vided as follows:
mined, refer to the reference designation index
(1) Figure number, column 10a. Indicates
(sec. V). The reference designations are listed in
the figure number of the illustration in which the
alpha-numeric ascending order and are cross-ref-
item is shown.
erenced to the page number on which they appear
(2) Item number or reference designation,
in the repair parts list (sec. II). Refer to the page
column 10b. Indicates the reference designation
number noted in the index and locate the refer-
used to identify the item in the illustration.
ence designation (col. 10b). If the word "REF"
appears in the allowance column for the repair
part, note the Federal stock number (col. 2) or
B-4. Special Information
manufacturer's part number (col. 3). Refer to the
a. Repair parts mortality is computed from fail-
FSN index and note the reference designation for
ure rates derived from experience factors with
that FSN or part number. Refer to the reference
the individual parts in a variety of equipments.
designation index and note the page number given
Variations in the specific application and periods
for the reference designation. Refer to the page
of use of electronic equipment, the fragility of
noted in the RPSTL (sec. II) and locate the refer-
electronic piece parts, plus intangible material
ence designation in column 10b of the repair parts
and quality factors intrinsic to the manufacture
of electronic parts, do not permit mortality to be
c. When the reference designation is known,
based on hours of end item use. However, long
follow the procedures given in b (2) above.
periods of continuous use under adverse condi-
d. When neither the FSN nor reference desig-
tions are likely to increase repair parts mortality.
nation is known, identify the part in the illustra-
b. Dry batteries shown are used with the equip-
tion and follow directions given in c above or
ment but are not considered part of the equip-
scrutinize column 3 of the repair parts list (sec.
ment. They will not be preshipped automatically
but are to be requisitioned in quantities necessary
for the particular organization, in accordance
B-6. Federal Supply Codes for Manufacturers
with SB 11-6.
Manufacturer's Name
c. Alternate items (sequence numbers A410
Joint Photographic Type Desig-
through A469) are items that might possibly be
nation System
Polaroid Corp
shipped as substitute items instead of regular
Zeiss Carl Inc
items. Use these items if required.