TM 11-6730-235-35
d. Secure the motor bracket (42) to the case
p. Using the electrical caps (35) connect the
wiring harness (36) to the electrical leads of motor
(46) using the two nuts (38).
B1 (41). The electrical caps should join the white
leads of the motor to the white leads of the wiring
e. Secure the lampholder (32) to the lamp
harness (fig. 3-1) and the black lead of motor B1 to
mounting bracket (33) using the two screws (30)
the other black leads of the wiring harness.
and the two nuts (31).
q. Connect the middle white lead of the wiring
f. Secure the lamp mounting bracket (33) to the
harness (36) to one terminal of the socket on the
lamp housing (34).
lampholder (32).
g. Secure thermal switch S3 (27) to the lamp
r. Connect the end white lead of the wiring
housing (34) using the two screws (25) and the two
harness (36) to one output terminal of interlock
nuts (26).
switch S1 (5).
h. Secure the reflector (23) to the reflector
s. Connect the red lead of the wiring harness
holder (24) using the screw (21) and the nut (22).
(36) to the remaining terminal of the socket on the
lampholder (32) and to one output terminal of
i. Secure the reflector holder (24) to the lamp
ON-OFF switch S2 (7).
housing (34) using the three screws (19) and the
three springs (20). Tighten each screw sufficiently
t. Connect the middle black lead of the wiring
to fully compress the associated spring.
harness (36) to one of the unmarked terminals of
convenience outlet J1 (9).
j. Install the lamp housing assembly (15 through
34) in the case (46) using two screws (12), two
u. Connect the end black lead of the wiring
washers (13), and two nuts (14) for each of the
harness (36) to the remaining output terminal of
lamp housing straps (15). Three insulating beads
ON-OFF switch S2 (7).
(17) should be placed on each screw between the
lamp housing (34) and the case (46); two washers
v. Connect one gray lead from the terminal to
(17) should be placed between the case (46) and
which connection was made in u above to one
the screws (12). Do not tighten the nuts (14) on
the screws (12). These nuts are tightened during
terminal of thermal switch S3 (27).
the alignment of the projector optical axis (para
w. Connect a second gray lead from the free
terminal of thermal switch S3 (27) to one of the
input terminals of ON-OFF switch S2 (7).
k. Work the loose leads of the power cord (11)
through the hole in the case (46) so that the line
x. Connect a black jumper lead between the
plug is on the outside of the case (46).
two input terminals of ON-OFF switch S2 (7).
l. Slide the strain relief bushing (10) over the
y. Connect a black lead from that input terminal
loose ends of power cord (11) and slide the
of ON-OFF switch S2 (7) that has not had a direct
bushing to the point at which it can be installed in
connection made to thermal switch S3 (27) to the
the hole of the case (46).
free output terminal of interlock switch S1 (5).
m. Press convenience outlet J1 (9) into the
z. Connect the black and white leads of the
appropriate hole in the case (45) by compressing
power cord (11) to the input terminals of interlock
the spring of convenience outlet J1.
switch S1 (5).
n. Secure ON-OFF switch S2 (7) to the case
aa. Connect the green lead of the power cord
(46) by using the two screws (7).
(11) and the end of a green lead to the support
bracket on the case (46) using the screw (8).
o. Push interlock switch S1 (5) through the
ab. Connect the free end of the green lead
appropriate hole in the interlock support bracket
connected in aa above to the green (GR) terminal
on the case (46) by compressing the spring on the
of convenience outlet J1 (9).