TM 11-6730-235-35
Section I. GENERAL
c. Reassembly of
arm and post assembly (para
5-1. Scope of Maintenance
The maintenance duties assigned to the depot
category of maintenance for the projector include
d. Reassembly of
lens head assembly (para
the maintenance procedures described for all other
levels of maintenance and, in addition, the
disassembly and reassembly procedures outlined
5-2. Tools and lest Equipment Required
a. Disassembly of
lens head assembly (para
The tools and test equipment required for depot
maintenance of the projector consists of tools
contained in Tool Kit, Photographic Repairman
b. Disassembly of
arm and post assembly (para
d. Slide the mirror (4) out of the front mirror
5-3. Disassembly of lens Head Assembly
mounting bracket on the front lens head
subassembly and lift the mirror (4) and the back
a. Loosen and remove the two shoulder screws
mirror mounting bracket (5) out of the front lens
(1) and washers (2) that secure the front lens head
head subassembly (10).
subassembly (10 to the bottom lens head
subassembly (16).
e. Separate the mirror (4) from the back mirror
mounting bracket (5).
b. Separate the front lens head subassembly
(10) from the bottom lens head subassembly (16).
f. Remove the two screws (6) and nuts (7) that
secure the front lens mounting bracket (9) to the
front lens head subassembly (10).
Hold the mirror (4) and the back mirror
g. Slide the front lens mounting bracket (9) and
mounting bracket (5) during the perform-
the front lens (8) from under the front mirror
ance of the following steps to insure that
mounting bracket on the front lens head
they do not fall and break.
subassembly (10).
c. Remove the two screws (3) that secure the
h. Separate the front lens (8) from the front
back mirror mounting bracket (5) to the front lens
lens mounting bracket (9).
head subassembly (10).