TM 5-3610-293-13&P4-10.UNIT TROUBLESHOOTING. - ContinuedMALFUNCTIONTEST OR INSPECTIONCORRECTIVE ACTIONStep 2.Check that emergency light is plugged into wall outlet.Plug in emergency light.Step 3.Check that circuit breaker in power distribution panel is set to ON.Set circuit breaker to ON.WARNINGBefore performing continuity checks or replacing electrical components,make sure that electrical power is completely disconnected from the circuitinvolved.Step 4.Remove fuse on printed circuit board and check for continuity.Replace fuse.Step 5.Unplug emergency light, check for broken or unplugged wires, and test ON/OFF switch for continuity.Replace wiring or switch (paragraph 4-30 b(2)).Step 6.Test battery for an open.Replace battery (paragraph 4-30 b(3)). If good, replace emergency light (paragraph 4-30 (a)).b. EmergencyLightDoesNotLightWhentestedandChargeLightisLit.Step 1.Wait 20 minutes or until charge light starts to flicker and test.Replace battery (paragraph 4-30 b(3)).4-20
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