with the shutter speed index.)
d. Frame Counter.
(1) Turn the film advance lever until it stops and
then press the shutter release button.
(2) Do this several times. (The frame counter
should move one division each time the shutter is
e. Film Rewind Knob.
(1) U n f o l d f i l m r e w i n d c r a n k a n d r o t a t e i t
several turns.
(2) Check for smooth operation. (The film
rewind fork, inside the camera body, should rotate as
the rewind knob is turned.)
f. Self-Timer.
(1) Wind the shutter.
(2) Turn the stopped-down/self-timer lever
away from lens mount until it stops.
(3) Press the shutter release button. (The shut-
ter should open after a delay of approximately 10 sec.)
g. Lens Mounting Flange.
(1) Check to see that the surface of the flange
i s smooth and free of dirt, nicks and burrs. (The
mounting screws should be tight.)
(2) Mount a lens on the camera and lock it in
position. (It should not bind while mounting. The lens
lock should hold the lens securely.)
h. Film Transport.
(1) Load the camera with film. (The film ad-
v a n c e lever should operate smoothly and the film
should not drag or bind.)