(2) Interior.
( a ) Transport mechanism. Remove the lens
from the camera, Lock the mirror in the up position
Blow out any dust or foreign particles that may be in-
side the camera body.
(b) Pressure plate (fig. 2-6). Gently wipe the
surface of the pressure plate with a clean piece of lens
tissue. If further cleaning is required, moisten a piece
of lens tissue with lens cleaner and wipe the pressure
plate. Remove any moisture with a piece of dry lens
b. Lenses.
(1) Metal surfaces. Clean the outside metal sur-
faces of the lens, Follow the procedure for exterior
cleaning as described in a (1) above.
Dust particles are abrasive and can damage opti-
cal surfaces. Fingermarks and other foreign matter
should be removed carefully as soon as possible. Do
not use tissue or cloth intended for eyeglass
cleaning. Such materials usually contain silicone
which will leave a deposit damaging the coating of
the lens. Do not use more lens cleaner than
necessary to moisten the lens tissue. excess liquid
may seep between the elements, dissolve the bind-
ing medium, and damage the lens.
(2) Optical surfaces.
(a) Front surface. Brush the surface with a
clean camel's-hair brush. If further cleaning is re-
quired, breathe lightly on the surface and wipe with a