e. Set the flash unit ON-OFF switch at OFF.
If the ON-OFF switch is left at ON, or the unit is
not flashed, the calculator dial light will start to
blink shortly after the ready light comes on.
f. Operate the flash unit under automatic control
or manual control.
g. For automatic control, proceed as follows:
(1) Set the flash unit AUTO/MANUAL control
(2) Set the calculator dial (fig. 2-3) on the flash
u n i t to the ASA rating of the film loaded in the
(3) Set the automatic f/stop selector at either the
red or blue position.
The blue position is for greater flash-to-subject
distances (2 to 21 ft). The red position is for
closeups (2 to 10 ft) and greater depth of field.
( 4 ) Set the camera lens to the desired f/stop
within the calculator dial triangle the color of which
matches the setting of the automatic f/stop selector
(5) Set the flash unit ON-OFF switch to ON.
(6) Compose and focus the picture in the camera
(7) When the ready light on the flash unit comes
on, make the exposure.
h. For manual control, proceed as follows:
(1) Set the flash unit AUTO/MANUAL control