TM 11-7025-232-10
9 . While spinning either pulley in
direction shown, observe movement of
character band over both edge guide
If character band touches, and
rides smoothly and evenly over
both edge guide bearings, go to
step 10
If character band does not touch
remove band and repeat steps 1
t h r u 9. If problem remains,
n o t i f y your supervisor that
maintenance is required
If character band rides unevenly
or roughly over one or both edge
r e p e a t steps 1 thru 9. If prob-
l e m remains, notify supervisor
t h a t maintenance is required
10. Close band cover.
11. Press down on hammer bank latch
h a n d l e until it locks in place.
12. Close operator door.
13. Plug ac power plug into outlet.