TM 11-7025-232-10
A manual tape punch device is available as auxiliary equipment to prepare punched
p a p e r tape for use in the vertical format unit (VFU).
a. 12 Channel Tape Punch. T h i s device (para 2-13) is fitted with punch,
sprocket wheel, t a p e control knob, l i n e selector, holddown arms, and stabilizing
pins for mounting and punching a 12 channel VFU tape.
b. 12 Channel Paper Tape. P a p e r tape (fig. 1-9) consists of 12 vertically
spaced channels divided by prepunched sprocket holes and containing adhesive
surface at one end for making the VFU tape loop.
To punch a VFU tape, it is necessary to know tape length and selection of channel
a. VFU Tape Length. The
VFU tape length is measured against the VFU tape
loop. Each VFU tape loop is
as long as the paper form or a multiple thereof.
Maximum tape length is 144
lines (24 in. at 6 lpi and 18 in. at 8 lpi). Minimum
in. a t 6 lpi and 4.5 in. at 8 lpi).
t a p e length is 36 lines (6.0
b. Selection of Channel Punches. Channels one through twelve may be punched on
the VFU tape to enable the printer to move the paper form to the following
(1) Top of Form - Each tape loop should have only one hole punched in channel
1 on the line corresponding to the desired paper top of form (TOF).
( 2 ) Bottom of Form - Each tape loop should have one hole punched in channel
2, 8, 11 or 12 on the line corresponding to the desired paper bottom of form (BOF)
(See your
based on the setting of switches S3-1 t h r u S3-3 on the interface board.
s y s t e m manual for switch settings.)
( 3 ) Print Positions - Depending upon the channel used for punching bottom of
form hole, each tape loop may have one hole punched in channels 2 thru 11 on the
l i n e corresponding to the desired print positions. For example, in the sample VFU
t a p e (fig. 1-9) channel 4 is punched for print position on line 15, and channel 8
i s punched for print position on line 42. It is possible to punch channel 4 on
lines 15 and 42 and leave channel 8 free for other forms. I n this way, multiple
forms may be punched onto one tape if the repetition of the format pattern is
i d e n t i c a l to all other format patterns (TOF, BOF, print position selection) on the
S i n c e the VFU tape is calibrated in lines (not inches), a given tape will yield
d i f f e r e n t dimensional formats for 6 or 8 lpi.