cover is raised (fig. 27). When the cover is lowered, it pro-
vides an arm rest at the front of the housing.
(2) The PH-637/PFP is not supplied with a top cover. T h e r e
is a collapsible shelf at the front of the housing (par. 5a), and
the roll attachment is screwed to the sides of the housing
(par. 5d). The front shelf and the pencil-groove section
must be removed to reach the rear surface-mirror adjusting
b. Bottom of Projector Housing (figs. 29
and 30). The bottom of
the housing of the PH-637A/PFP contains a duct that directs air
from the blower towards the projection lamp. Above the duct near
the condenser lens is a channel in which a heat-absorbing filter may
be mounted. (No heat-absorbing filter is supplied with the projec-
t o r . ) The PH-637/PFP contains neither the duct nor the channel.
c. Support-Post Locatinq Plug Locking Screw (figs. 27
and 29).
In the PH-637/PFP, the support-post locating plug locking screw is
reached from inside the projector housing. The side door of the
housing must be opened to reach the screw, which has a hexagonal
head. In the PH-637A/PFP, the locking screw is located on the
outside of the housing below the support-post clamping knob. T h e
screw has an Allen head.
d. Miscellaneous. Five l,000-watt projection lamps are provided
with the PH-637A/PFP; one 500-watt lamp is provided with the
P H - 6 3 7 / P F P . Some procurements of the PH-637A/PFP are sup-
plied with a stand for the projector and with five packages of lens
TAGO 4738B