TM 11-7025-232-10
PAPER STEP Switch - Advances paper one line if pressed when printer is off
l i n e . Does not operate when printer is on line.
PHASE Control Knob - Used to maintain equal printing density on left and right
s i d e of characters.
TOP OF FORM Switch - Advances paper to next top of form position if pressed
w h e n printer is off line. Does not operate when printer is on line.
ON/OFF LINE Switch/Indicator - L i g h t s when the printer is on line. Pressing
t h e switch alternately places the printer on line and off line. If the STATUS
indicator displays the number 16, the printer has entered the single step mode
a n d the last form is at the print station. Each time the ON/OFF LINE switch is
p r e s s e d , the printer will print one line until the bottom of form is reached.
ALARM/CLEAR Switch/Indicator - I n d i c a t o r lights when printer detects fault, and
STATUS indicator displays fault code. When pressed, switch clears fault codes
in STATUS indicator.
POWER Indicator - Lights when printer is powered ON.
E x t e r n a l l y Accessible Operator Controls