TM 11-6780-225-35
5-1. Depot Maintenance of the Darkroom
5-5. Darkroom Operational Test
Complete rebuilding of the darkroom, or its individual
Using the overhauled or repaired darkroom and
components, will be accomplished by the depot
equipment, perform the tests given below.
maintenance facilities when authorized by Headquarters,
a. Current Test. Sequentially, using the adapter
Department of the Army. Rebuilding action includes all
repair, overhaul, and replacement operations necessary
6625314-15), connect the adapter to the outlet (fig. 5-1)
to make the equipment equivalent to new material and
for each of the equipments listed below with their full load
suitable for return to the DA supply system stocks for
current ratings. Then connect the power cable from the
reissue to the using organization. Detailed procedures
equipment to the adapter.
Refer also to schematic
for accomplishing the repairs and adjustments
established in the preceding portions of this manual, and
such additional repair and rebuilding operations as
Full load ampere
deemed necessary, will be established by the facility
Control unit ------------------------ Cooling 6.7 Heating 15.4
performing the work.
Refrigerator -------------- --------- ------------------1.9
5-2. Depot Maintenance Rebuilding Procedures
Air conditioner --------- ---------------------------- 11.2
Depot maintenance rebuilding procedures for the
Water heater --------------------------------------- 41.7
darkroom consist of performing the maintenance
pace heater -------------------------------------------5.3
functions given below.
Water pump ---------------------------------------- 14.0
40 amp range.
(2) Set the appropriate circuit breaker and
control switches for each equipment to ON.
(3) The current readings for each equipment
5-3. Applicability of Depot Overhaul Standards
shall be as indicated in the chart above +5 S.
The darkroom must be tested thoroughly after overhaul
b. Light Leak Test.
or repair to insure that it meets adequate performance
(1) With the darkroom secured for operation
requirements for return to stock and reissue. Use the
and with all lights extinguished, place a sheet of 4x 5-
tests described in chapter 4 to measure the performance
inch Plus-x film, emulsion side up, on a shelf in each
of the repaired equipment. It is mandatory that repaired
compartment. Cover one-half of each sheet of film with
equipment to be reissued, or returned to stock for
black paper.
reissue, meet all of the performance standards given in
(2) Expose each sheet of film to the darkness
chapters 3 through 5.
for 60 minutes.
(3) Process the exposed film in a 1:1 solution
5-4. Modification Work Orders
of D-76 for 10 minutes at 68F (20C).
The testing procedures and performance standards
development, each sheet of film shall be clear overall
with no fog.
applicable to equipments modified in accordance with
c. Space Heater, Film and Print Drying Cabinets
DA Pam 310-7. The procedures and standards may be
invalid for equipments to which later modifications have
(1) Operate the space heater UH-68-4 as di-
been made.