TM 11-6730-235-12
Section I.
(fig. 2-1)
Be careful not to damage the contents of
a. Packaging and Packing Data. The projector set
a corrugated carton when cutting the
tape that seals the corrugated carton.
components are packed and shipped in a single
container. The container (corrugated carton) dimensions
(5) Use a knife or cutting tool to cut the tape that
are 22 inches by 18 inches by 28 inches. When the
seals the corrugated carton.
projector set is packed for export shipment, one of these
(6) Remove the corrugated filler that surrounds the
containers is enclosed within a wooden packing case
top of the projector.
with approximate dimensions of 24 inches by 20 inches
(7) Remove the carrying case, five packages of lens
by 30 inches. The volume of the corrugated carton is 6.4
tissue, two acetate rolls, the adapter, and the plastic bag
cubic feet; the export wooden packing case is 8.2 cubic
that contains the two roll attachments from the
feet. The shipping weight of the projector set is 33 1
corrugated carton.
pounds when packed in the corrugated carton only, and
(8) Lift out the projector by grasping the corrugated
45 pounds when packed in the wooden packing case.
b. Unpacking Export Shipment. Unpack the wooden
filler that passes under the projector and pulling upward.
c. Unpacking Domestic Shipment. Unpack a domestic
packing case used for export shipping as follows:
shipment by performing the procedures given in b5)
through (8) above.
Be careful when handling the metal
Checking Unpacked Equipment
straps that bind the wooden packing
case used to ship the projector set. The
a. Inspect the projector set for damage incurred during
edges of these metal straps are sharp
shipment. If such damage is detected, report the
and can cause deep and painful cuts.
damage on DD Form 6.
Use gloves when handling these metal
b. Check the projector set parts against the packing slip.
straps Also, be careful when cutting the
Report all discrepancies in accordance with the
metal straps. The sudden release from
instructions given in TM 38-750. Shortage of a minor
tension may cause the metal straps to
assembly or part that does not affect proper functioning
spring outward with possible injury to
(for example, lens tissue or carrying case) should not
eyes or other unprotected parts of the
prevent use of the projector set.
c. Check all major and minor components for bent,
broken, or missing parts. Check the major components
(1) Cut and remove the metal straps that bind the
for loose screws, nuts, and wires.
wooden packing case.
d. Check the lenses of the lens head assembly and the
(2) Remove the nails that secure the wooden cover.
stage glass of the top plate assembly (fig. 1-1) for
(3) Lift and remove the wooden cover of the wooden
broken, cracked, or scratched surfaces.
packing case.
e. Check the fresnel lens (fig. 2-2) for scratches or
(4) Lift the corrugated carton out of the wooden
separation of the lens elements.
packing case.
f. If the projector set has been used or recondi-
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