TM 11-6730-235-12
2-7. Operator Controls
the projector line cord plug into the socket of the adapter.
(fig. 1-1)
Control or element
b. Place the on-off switch in the on position. The
On-off switch.......................
Controls application and removal of
projector lamp and fan should come on; if they do not,
projector power
check to see that the top plate assembly is firmly
Focus Knobs ...................... Raise and lower lens head assembly
secured to the case assembly (the spring lock button is
to focus projected image.
engaging the hole in the top plate assembly).
Lens head assembly pivotVaries elevation angle of projected
image to insure that focusing does not
c. Position the projector to center the projected light
move image off projection surface.
beam on the projection surface on the horizontal axis.
State glass .......................... Supports transparencies containing
images to be projected.
d. Turn the focus knobs to dearly focus the concentric
Cranks................................. Move acetate roll on roll attachment
ring pattern of the frensel lens on the projection surface.
across stage glass. When installed
on front and back ends of case
e. Pivot the lens head assembly to center the focused
assembly, cranks move projected
light beam on the vertical axis of the projection surface.
image up and down on projection
surface; when installed on sides,
f. If necessary, readjust the setting of the focus knobs to
cranks move projected image from
produce a sharper image.
side-to-side on projection surface.
g. Place the material to be projected on the stage glass
Convenience outlet ............ Provide interlock-controlled power
source for auxiliary and test
of the top plate assembly.
h. Examine the projected image of the transparency on
the projection surface. If necessary, adjust the focus
a. Connect the line cord plug to the power source
knobs again.
convenience outlet.
i. If the information to be projected is to be developed
during the class or lecture, write on the transparency with
a felt tip transparency pen, or an overhead projector
The line cord plug is a three-prong
pencil, or both.
polarized electrical connector. If the power
source outlet is a two-pronged electrical
j. If the acetate roll is being used with the roll
connector, plug the adapter into the power
attachments, move the acetate by turning the crank on
source outlet. Loosen, but do not remove
the takeup roll attachment.
the screw that secures the power source
k. If auxiliary or test equipment is to be used with the
outlet switchplate to the wall. Slip the
projector, plug the line cord for that equipment into the
terminal lug of the adapter under the screw
projector convenience outlet.
and then tighten the screw. Plug
b. Checking Projector Set Before Use.
Operation in Arctic- Regions
a. Warming Projector Set. If the projector set has not
Do not operate the projector set until all
been unpacked, but has been stored at a low
moisture has been removed from it.
temperature, transfer it to a heated area and allow it to
(1) Remove moisture from the exterior surfaces of
remain there for a minimum of 6 hours before unpacking
the projector, except for the lenses, with a clean cloth.
it. If the projector set has been unpacked and stored at a
(2) Remove moisture from the interior surfaces of
low temperature, wrap it with a water-repellent material,
the case assembly with a clean cloth.
transfer it to a heated area, and allow it to remain
(3) Clean the lenses on the lens head assembly with
covered for a minimum of 6 hours before checking (b
lens tissue.
below) and setting it up for operation.