TM 11-6720-248-12
(para 4-7) and the organizational troubleshooting chart
does not restore normal equipment performance,
troubleshooting is required by higher category
maintenance personnel. Note on the repair tag the
corrective measures taken.
5-7. Organizational Troubleshooting
a. General. Before using the troubleshooting chart,
The troubleshooting chart (b below) is provided as an aid
examine the repair tag to see whether the trouble has
in localizing trouble in the camera set. It supplements
been sectionalized.
If there has been no
the operator troubleshooting chart (para 4-7). Only those
sectionalization, perform the procedures outlined in the
maintenance personnel can apply are given. If the
suggested measure
b. Organizational Troubleshooting Chart.
Item No.
Trouble symptom
Probable trouble
Checks and corrective measures
a. Defective batteries.
a. Replace strobe assembly batteries
to glow within 15 seconds
b. Defective neon indicator.
b. Refer equipment to higher cate-
after strobe assemblies are
flashed (battery operation).
gory of maintenance for repair.
a. Broken or loose wiring in flash or
a. Remove junction box cover and
One or both strobe assemblies
do not flash when shutter
shutter cord.
is tripped.
circuits. Use low ohms scale of
repair break in circuit.
b. Defective flash synchronization
b. Disconnect shutter cord from lens
switch in lens and shutter as-
and shutter assembly. Short cen-
ter conductor to outer shield of
shutter cord. If strobe assem-
blies flash, shutter synchroniza-
tion switch is defective; refer
equipment to higher category
maintenance for repair.
c. Defective strobe assembly.
c. Refer equipment to higher cate-
gory maintenance for repair.
d. Defective battery in triggering cir-
d. Replace battery in triggering cir-
a. Compress the two battery compartment clips
5-8. Replacement of Triggering Circuit Battery
and withdraw the old battery tray.
b. Install a new battery tray and press in until the
Replace the triggering circuit battery as follows:
plastic clips engage with the strobe assembly housing.
a. Loosen the two screws that secure the junction
box cover.
b. Remove the junction box cover.
Replacement of Spreader Rollers and
c. Note the polarity position of the battery and
remove the battery from the clips.
d. Install the replacement battery in the position
Replace the spreader rollers and bushings in the camera
noted in c above.
back cover assembly (when required) as follows:
e. Install the junction box cover and secure it by
b. Gently spring the roller assembly release latch
tightening the screws loosened in a above.
outward until the roller assembly is released.
c. Swing the roller assembly away from the back
5-9. Replacement of Battery Tray
cover assembly.
Install a new battery tray in the strobe assembly (when
required) as follows: