TM 11-6720-239-35
Section lll.
been removed from the base block and
3-12. Reassembling the
Electroinc Mounting
remain in tact. If this is not the case,
Block and Base Assemblies
these pins must be installed before pro-
a. Electronic Block Assembly (fig. 3-5).
(1) If removed, position the flash compensat-
(1) Press the connector strip (75) and the
ing common contact (21) on the inside of the elec-
connector strip insulator (74) onto the two hori-
tronic mounting block (24), with the prong in-
zontal nibs just below the large opening in the
serted through the hole and broad edge flush
center of the block. Position of the connector strip
against wall of the electronic mounting block
(75) is indicated in outline on the base block. The
(24). Secure the contact in position with a single
spring contacts should point upward. Heat seal
both of the parts into place.
(2) If removed, position the flash compensat-
(2) Press the contact (73) onto the single nib
ing upper and lower contacts (22 and 23) on the
just below right end of connector strip (75). The
inside of the electronic mounting block, with the
prong of the contact (73) should fit through the
prong inserted in the hole and end of the spring
hole in the bottom of the base block. The spring
contacts on the outside of each common contact.
contact should point upward, and be positioned to
Secure each of the flash contacts in position with
the left of the connector strip (75) contact.
a single rivet.
(3) Attach the adjustable contact (70) and
(3) If removed, press the electronic mount-
the flat insulator (68) to the base block (98) with
ing board insulator (19) onto the nibs on the back
the rivet (69 ).
of the mounting block (24). Cut out portions in
(4) Place the adjustable contact spring (67)
the center of the mounting block (24) and the
on the rivet (69) with open ends of spring facing
electronic mounting board insulator (19) should
right and bent end at the bottom. Adjust cable
line up.
contact screw (71) should be in place. Press the
(4) Mount the electronic components (1
insulator (66) over the adjustable contact spring
through 16) on the inside of the electronic mount-
ing block (24), in the positions indicated; make
(5) Anchor the top end of the adjustable
sure that the leads protrude through the elec-
contact spring (67) to the prong at the far right
tronic mounting block and the electronic mount-
of the adjustable contact (70) and secure it with a
ing board insulator (19).
spot of solder. Using long nose pliers, push the
(5) Trim the leads of each of the electronic
bent end of the adjustable spring contact (67)
components so that tip of the lead protrudes out
through the hole in the base block (98) (located
of mounting board insulator (19) approximately
just below soldered end of spring) and bend the
1 16 inch, and bend the end of each of the con-
end over on other side of the base block.
tacts over onto copper area of flexible circuit
(6) Position the spring adjustment stop (83)
(17). Observe the precautions outlined in para-
in the lower right corner of the base block, below
graph 2-7 c and apply a
small spot of
solder to
and to left of flash contact-break (72), and secure
of each lead.
it with the two rivets (82).
(7) Position the breaker contact (65) on the
Make certain that the solder does not
base block so that spring contact placement is be-
run from one copper area, across the
tween the insulator (66) and the adjustable
brown insulated area, into another
contact screw (71). The breaker contact (65)
copper area.
should now be to right and touching the top of the
b. Reassembling Base Block Assembly, Stage 1
adjustable contact terminal. Secure the breaker
contact (65) in position with a single oval head
back of the base block (98), place the base block
rivet (64).
(98) face down, with the elongated slot in the
(8) Position the assembled magnet and bob-
upper right corner, and proceed as follows:
bin (62 and 63) in the recess provided in the base
block and secure the assembly with the two
The following procedures assume that
screws (59). Make sure that the bobbin is posi-
the two pivot pins (49 and 54) at the
tioned on the magnet so that the square card is on
upper right corner of the block have not
the open end.