TM 11-6720-239-35
Section l.
ble to an assembly and then refer to the para-
31. Parts Replacement
graph containing disassembly instructions for the
The parts in the camera body, bellows assembly,
defective assembly.
and back cover can be easily replaced without spe-
Complete disassembly of the equipment is rarely
cial procedures. The finder and shutter assemblies
required. However, the complete disassembly pro-
are much more fragile and must be handled
use when needed. Reassembly procedures are
a. When working on the finder assembly, be
extra careful to avoid damage to lenses and pol-
semble cemented, heat sealed, and/or riveted
ished mirror surfaces, Many parts in the finder
parts only when it is absolutely necessary. Be ex-
assembly are held in place by epoxy. Be sure that
tremely careful, when performing this type of dis-
all epoxy has been removed before attempting to
assembly, not to damage adj scent parts.
remove a part; check carefully for pieces of epoxy
a. Base Block and Electronic Block Mounting
on contact surfaces before replacing any parts.
Assemblies. The base block and electronic mount-
b. When disassembling an assembly or subas-
ing block assemblies, located inside the shutter
sembly, group associated mechanical parts, hard-
assembly, are accessible while the shutter assem-
ware, and springs together. To facilitate reassem-
bly is attached to the camera. To gain access to
bly procedures, arrange the parts in the order in
the base block and electronic mounting block as-
which they were removed.
c. The shutter is transistorized. Use a pencil
b. Back Cover. Most back cover repairs can be
type soldering iron with a 25-watt maximum
made while the back cover is attached to the
capacity. If the iron must be used with ac, use an
camera body.
line. Before using a soldering iron, check the iron
33. Removing Camera
for shorts to the tip. Do not use a soldering gun or
damaging voltages may be induced in circuit com-
a. Before disassembly, open the camera. as fol-
ponents. Use a heat sink (such as long nosed
pliers) when soldering transistor leads.
lows :
(1) Open the camera cover (1) by gently lift-
d. Several plastic parts are held in place by heat
ing the cover flap and allow the cover to hang
seals. To attach or remove these parts, use a
down from body assembly (2).
pencil type soldering as mentioned in the preced-
(2) Raise the finder assembly (3) io its up-
ing paragraph.
right position.
(3) Gently lift up on the focus button (right)
Excessive heat will cause distortion of
(4) to release the shutter assembly (5) from the
plastic parts.
body assembly (2).
(4) Extend the bellows assembly (23) by
32. Considerations Before Disassembly
pulling the shutter shaft sleeve (6) outward.
and Reassembly
b. Lift the mounting clip hinge (7) and pull off
Disassemble the equipment only as far as it is
front cover assembly (1).
necessary to reach a defective part. Use the trou-
c. Fold the finder assembly (3) down.
bleshooting procedures (chap 2) to trace the trou-