TM 11-2323
Page 12, paragraph 10. Make the following changes :
Heading. Change "(tips. 5 and 6)" to: (fig. 5, 5.1, and 6). Sub
paragraph b, line 1. After the first sentence. add: On the PH-
637C/PFP, unlatch the four fasteners and lift off the cover.
Page 14. paragraph 11. Make the following changes :
S u b p a r a g r a p h b ( p a g e 6 o f C 2 . Delete subparagraph h and
substitute :
b. Open the carrying case and remove the projector housing. Set
the housing on the support (II above) so that the support post end
is away from the projection screen.
Subparagraph c, line 1. Change "Loosen the head-support" to :
On the PH-637/PFP, PH-637A/PEP, and PH-637B/PFP,
loosen the support.
Add subparagraph c.1 after subparagraph C:
c.1. On the PH-637/PFP, loosen the clamping knob (tip. 7.1 )
and insert the support post (fig. 2.2) through the hole in the upper
locating bracket. The rack should be at the top of the support post.
facing toward the project ion stage. Slide the support, post down
until its bottom is engaged in the lower support bracket and the locat-
ing pin (on the support post ) is engaged in the notches of the upper
locating bracket. Secure the support post by tightening the clamping
knob (fig. 7.1).
Subparagraph e, line 1 and last sentence (page 6 of C2).
PFP, PH-637A/PFP, and PH-637C/PFP).
Line 8. Change "(fig. 7)" to: (fig. 7 and 7.1).
Page 15. Add figure 7.1 after figure 7: