TM 11-2323
Add subparagraph (1.1) after subparagraph (1):
(1.1) Aperture makes, Projector, Still Picture PH-637C/PFP..
The PH-637C/PFP has one aperture one aperture plateholder which in
itself provides the aperture plate for the
opening. It also holds any one of the three smaller sized
aperture masks between the corner stops provided on the
aperture plateholder. The aperture plateholder is mounted
by means of the two knurled screws which also mount the
projection stage. The aperture plate for the
inch opening mounts indenpendently in the same manner as
the aperture plateholder described above. It does not con-
tain any facility for holding the other smaller aperture
Page 9. paragraph 5 f. Delete the heading and substitute: Carrying
Case, Projectors PH-637/PFP and PH-637A/PFP, and Projector.
Still Picture PH-637B/PFP
Add subparagraph f.1 after subparagraph f:
f.1. Carrying Case, Projector, S t i l l P i c t u r e P H - 6 3 7 C / P F P . T h e
carrying case is reinforce with metal metal and has a removable
cover that is held in place by four latches (two at the front and two
at the back). The carrying case has three handles, one on top of the
carrying case cover and one at each end of two carrying case. The
bottom section of the carrying case rests on four fixed casters.
Paragraph 6. Make the following change:
Line 3 (page 5 of (2). Change "PH-637A/PFP: and PH-
Line 7, right-hand column. After ""minute", add 1 (1,600 revolu-
tions minute, PH-637C/PFP.
Paragraph 8a, line 3. Change "(fig. 5)" to: (figs. 5 and 5.1).