TM 11-2323
Paragraph 5. Make the following changes :
Heading (page 3 of C2). Change "(figs. 2), 2.1, 3, 4, and 5)" to:
(fig. 2, 2.1, 2.2, 3, 4, 7, and 7.1).
Subparagraph a (page 3 of C2). Delete subparagraph a and
substitute :
a. Rousing.
(1) Two shelves are provided for the PH-637/PFP, the PH-
6 3 7 B / P F P , and the PH-637C/PFP: the one at the front is
used as an armrest, and the one at the left side is used to hold
copy, notes, and other lecture materials. T h e P H - 6 3 7 A / P F P
has a shelf at the left side and a hinged projection-stage cover
which extends out over the front of the projector to form a
(2) A door at the rear, held in the closed position by a knurled
captive screw, opens to expose a reflector and projection lamp
a n d , i n t h e P H - 6 3 7 C / P F P , a heat-absorbing filter located
in front of the project ion lamp.
(3) A door at the left side of the PH-637,/PFP, the PH-637A/
PFP, and the PH-637B/PFP gives access to a glass con-
denser lens, a rear surface mirror, and the bottom of a Fresnel
condenser lens and, in the PH-637B/PFP, a heat-absorbing
filter located in front of the glass condenser lens. (On the
P H - 6 3 7 C / P F P , access to the rear surface mirror, the glass
condenser lens, and the bottom of the Fresnel lens
is gained by raising the projection stage from the front.)
(4) A blower, which cools the projection lamp when it is turned
on, is located in the lower front part of the housing.
(5) An on-off switch and a receptacle connector for the power
cable are on the front of the housing of the PH-637/PFP
and the PH-637A/PFP. On the PH-637B/PFP and the
PH-637C/PFP, the power cord is permanently connected.
(6) On top of the housing of the PH-637/PFP, the PH-637A/
P F P , a n d t h e P H - 6 3 7 B / P F P , are the project you stage and
a 1-inch hole through which the support post is inserted.
On top of the h o u s i n g o f t h e P H - 6 3 7 C / P F P a r e t h e p r o -
jection stage and a permanently attached yoke through which
the support post is inserted.