TM 11-2323
the blower motor. On the PH-637C/PFP, remove the bot-
tom cover and blower assembly (fig. 29.3, and par. 55 g).
(4) Apply two or three drops of Lubricating Oil, General Pur-
pose (LO), Spec VVL-820, to each oil cup (fig. 23.1).
(5) Install the bottom cover and secure it with the bottom cover
mounting screws removed in the procedure given in (3)
Page 45, paragraph 47, chart (page 7 of (C2). Make the following
changes: "Item" column, line 3, Change "(PH-637/PFP and PH-
637B/PFP)" to: (PH-637/PFP, PH-637B/PFP, and PH-637C/
PFP). "Corrective measures" column, lines 4 through 8. Delete
lines 4 through 8 and substitute: If the left-hand shelf (PH-637/PFP
or PH-637A/PFP) does not stay in position, raise it and manually
pull out the shelf support. I f t h e f r o n t s h e l f ( P H - 6 3 7 / P F P , P H -
637B/PFP, or PH-637C/PFP) does not stay open, raise it until it
snaps into the locked position.
Page 48, paragraph 51. Make the following changes: Subparagraph-
graph a (page 7 of C2). Add after the second sentence: On the PH-
637C/PFP, the heat-absorbing filter (fig. 7.1) is located between the
projection lamp and the glass condenser lens.
Subparagraph b (page 7 of C2). After the last sentence, add: In
the PH-637C/PFP, the air from the two blowers is divided into two
streams, one of which is directed to the lamp and one to the heat-
absorbing filter.
Subparagraph c, line 4 (page 7 of (C2). Change "requires" to: and
the PH-637C/PFP require.
Figure 25, note (page 8 of C2). Delete the note and substitute :
Note. The power cable on the PH-637B/PFP and on the PH-637C/PFP is
attached to the equipment at one end and has a male plug connector (including
a ground pin) on the free end.
Page 49, paragraph 51d, line 7. After "into the back", add : On
Projector, Still Picture PH-637C/PFP, the supply unit is built into
the front of the housing, below the front shelf: the takeup unit is
built into the top of the housing, immediately back of the projection
Page 51, paragraph 55, heading. Add after "Housing" : (PH-
637/PFP, PH-637A/PFP, and PH-637B/PFP).
Page 56 (page 12 of C2). Add figure 29.3 after figure 29.2.