TM 5-3610-220-14
3-2. On-Equipment Tools
3-1. General
The on-equipment tools normally supplied with this equipment
The operation detailed in this chapter may be performed with
standard mechanic's handtools.
parts. Dry parts thoroughly before applying lubricant. Apply a
3-3. General Lubrication Information
light grade of oil to all polished metal surfaces to prevent
This manual prescribes first and second echelon lubrication
maintenance for the camera copying, lithographic, 208 Volt, 3
d. Counter Drive Chains and Counterbalance Chains.
Phase, 60 Cycle, 24 x 30 inch, Consolidated model 1969.
Paint the chains with a light oil to make sure lubricant enters
the inner crevices of the chains.
3-4. Detailed Lubrication Information
e. Skid Casters. The six casters of the camera skid are
a. Care of Lubricants.
Since lubricants are useless if
provided with lubrication fittings, and should be serviced with
contaminated by dust, or dirt, lubrication containers must be
care to prevent overlubrication.
securely closed when not in use. Keep lubrication equipment
where it will be safe from damage and from dust or dirt.
f. Camera Drivescrews.
Lubricate entire drivescrew
Clean the equipment both before and after use.
with an oil saturated cloth.
b. Points of Application. Lubrication fittings, universal
g. Operation Immediately After Lubrication. If possible,
joints, drivescrews, gears, and other points of application are
all parts should be operated immediately after lubrication so
readily located by referring to the lubrication order.
that lubricant can be distributed to the friction surfaces for
which intended.
c. Cleaning. Use cleaning solvent to clean or wash all
Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet) at the earliest
3-5. General
possible opportunity.
To insure that the copying camera is ready for operation at all
3-6. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services
times, it must be inspected systematically, so that defects
may be discovered and corrected before they result in serious
a. General.
Table 3-1 contains a
tabulated listing of
damage or failure. The necessary preventive maintenance
operator's periodic (daily and weekly) preventive checks and
services to be performed are listed and described in table 3-1.
services. All inspections of assemblies, or parts must include
The item numbers indicate the sequence of minimum
any supporting members or connections, and must determine
inspection requirements. Defects discovered during operation
whether the unit is in good condition, correctly assembled,
of the unit shall be noted for future correction, to be made as
secure, or worn. Any condition which may result in damage
soon as operation has ceased. Stop operation immediately if
to the unit, must be corrected before the unit is operated, or
a deficiency is noted during operation which would damage
as soon as the condition is noted.
the equipment if operation were continued. All deficiencies
b. Before-Operation Services.
These services and
and shortcomings will be recorded, together with the
checks are performed to determine if the condition of the
corrective action taken, on DA Form 2404 (Equipment
equipment has changed since it was