(2) Unwrap the barrier from the truss
from the center arm bracket (11) and free-end arm
support assemblies (9), lensboard side frames (14), and
brackets (12).
copyboard frames (7). Wipe off the thin coating of oil
with a cloth.
e. Assembling. The copying camera is shipped
(3) After removing the protective barrier from
fully assembled except that the diffuser glasses and
the copyboard drive bracket (10) and lensboard driven
fluorescent lamps of the transparency holder and the
gears (13), remove the protective grease packing and
focusing glass are packed separately.
wipe off the residue with cleaning solvent.
(4) Remove the barrier tape from the
(1) Fluorescent lamps. Remove the light
openings of the drive motors (16) and the
box assembly from the transparency holder, and install
turbocompressor motors (8).
the fluorescent lamps in their holders in the light box.
(5) Wipe the thin coating of oil from the
(2) Diffuser glasses. Insert the opal glass
copyboard (5), transparency holder housing (6), and
diffuser into the inner grooves of the transparency
lensboard (2) with cleaning solvent, and dry with a clean
holder. Insert the plate glass diffuser (grain side iii into
the outer grooves. Slide the light box assembly, into the
(6) Remove the greaseproof barrier from the
transparency holder.
lensboard control shaft (15) and the camera drivescrews
vacuum back, and remove the holder clips (2 and 5) on
(7) Wipe the light coating of protective oil
bottom and one side of the focusing glass frame (4).
from the exterior of the vacuum back (1) with cleaning
Loosen screws in others slightly. Lower focusing glass
solvent; wipe dry with a clean cloth.
frame approximately 45 Insert glass with grained side
(8) Unwrap the protective barrier from the
toward the lensboard and with numbered dimensions
arc lamps (3), and clean the outer surfaces with cleaning
reading right side up. Replace the holder clips and
solvent and clean cloth. Wipe the protective oil coating
tighten screws.