Section I. GENERAL
1-1. Scope
d. Report of errors, omissions, and recommendations
for improving this publication by the individual user is
encouraged. Reports should be submitted on DA Form 2028
a. These instructions are published for the use of the
(Recommended Changes to Publications and forwarded direct
personnel to whom this copying camera is issued. They
to Commanding General; U. S. Army Mobility Equipment
contain information on operator, organizational, direct support
Command, ATTN: AMSME-MPP, 4300 Goodfellow Boulevard,
and general support maintenance of the copying camera as
St. Louis, Mo. 63120.
well as a description of the major units and their functions in
relation to other components of the materiel. They apply only
to the Consolidated International Model 1969 copying camera.
1-2. Record and Report Forms
a. DA Form 2258 (Depreservation Guide of Engineer
b. Refer to TM 750-244-3 for instructions on the
destruction of army material to prevent enemy use.
b. For other record and report forms applicable to the
c. Refer to TM 740-90-1 for instructions on the
operator/ crew and organizational maintenance, refer to TM
Administrative Storage of Equipment.
rapid installation and adjustment in a mobile or fixed unit.
1-3. Description
Once the camera is installed in a mobile vehicle or a fixed unit
darkroom, the casters can no longer be raised or lowered.
a. General Information.
However, before this is accomplished the camera can be
maneuvered whenever required. Each caster is equipped with
an eccentric housing and lift handle (9) to permit raising and
designed for installation and operation in a mobile or fixed unit
lowering the camera skid for transit or operation. The central
and can be readily positioned into a wall opening of the
casters extend below the end casters to permit pivoting the
required size. The truss support assemblies (8) are the
entire camera in movement.
supporting structure of the camera and are mounted on a skid
platform which is the base of the camera both in transport and
(3) The copying camera contains a camera tube
in use. The three planes of photo reproduction, the focusing
(7, fig. 1-2), horizontal structural member extending from end
to end and supporting the lensboard (4), copyboard (2), and
copyboard (6, fig. 1-1) are mounted on sturdy all-metal
transparency holder (1). The tube can be lowered to a
construction, providing a minimum of image distortion.
shipping position, as shown in figure 2-5, by the use of a
crank handle (7, fig. 1-1) at the copyboard end of the camera.
(2) The camera skid (11, fig. 1-1) is provided with
six cast-iron casters, three on each side equally spaced, for