TECHNICAL MANUAL - TM-11-6730-204-34P0001DIRECT SUPPORT AND GENERAL SUPPORT MAINTENANCE REPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS LISTS ( I N C L U D I N G DEPOT MAINTENANCE REPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS)Section I. INTRODUCTION - TM-11-6730-204-34P0005Special Information - TM-11-6730-204-34P0006Figure 1. Projector, Still Picture AP-5(1).Repair Parts List - TM-11-6730-204-34P0009FIgure 2. Projector, Still Picture AP-5(1), Functional Diagram.Repair Parts List - TM-11-6730-204-34P0011Figure 3. Projector, Still Picture AP-5(1), Optical Pointer Assembly and Spacer.Repair Parts List - TM-11-6730-204-34P0013Figure 4. Projector, Still picture AP-5(2).Repair Parts List - TM-11-6730-204-34P0015Figure 5. Projector, Still Picture AP-5(2), Functional Diagram.Repair Parts List - TM-11-6730-204-34P0017Figure 6. Projector, Still Picture AP-5(2), Optical Pointer Assembly.Repair Parts List - TM-11-6730-204-34P0019FIgure 7. Projector, Still Picture AP-5(2), Blower Assembly.Repair Parts List - TM-11-6730-204-34P0021NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER AND PART NUMBER INDEX - TM-11-6730-204-34P0022NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER AND PART NUMBER INDEX - TM-11-6730-204-34P0023TM-11-6730-204-34P Projectors Still Pictures AP-5(1) (NSN 6730-00-537-9268) and AP-5(2) (NSN
6730-00-903-4409) Manual