TM 11-6720-242-35
the white scribed line on the cam (87) should be in a
marked tooth space of its mating gear. A single scribe
line on the face of a gear points to the meshing gear
straight line with the plunger of the puck switch (43).
This is illustrated in figure 3-6.
tooth and two scribe lines on the mating gear indicate
the space into which the marked tooth is inserted. With
f. Following the installation of the drive belt
(79, fig. 3-4) and the flanges (80) and (82) on gears (86),
the pin inserted through the phasing holes of the camera
and (93), the puck switch (43)1 should be actuated when
body housing and cams and gears properly meshed,
the rotation of the gear train brings the red scribe line on
the red dot on the sprocket (86, fig. 3-4) should be in
the cam (87) in a straight line with the puck switch
straight edge alinement with the red dot on the sprocket
of the helical gear and sprocket assembly (93). Also,
Change 3 4-30