TM 11-6720-242-35
(3) Start the installation of the shielding
b. Replacement. Install the rha and clamps in the
gasket at the vertical center of the recess and press it
reverse order of removal.
into the dab of epoxy adhesive. Apply a second dab of
epoxy adhesive under the terminating end of the gasket,
If the rha is not being replaced, the
which should butt against the starting end.
clamps (42, 36, and 36A, fig. 33 (2))
3-19. Removal and Replacement of Scan Board
must be securely screwed down to
the aec housing and the connector
a. Removal.
1P2 must be securely tied down to
prevent damage to the camera.
(1) Remove cover (1).
Figure 3-21 illustrates the connector
1P2 in the tied down condition.
(2) Remove scan board assembly (6) by
3-16. Repair and Alignment of Camera Control
withdrawing it straight out to disengage the contacts
from the mating connector without damage.
A wire
Procedures for the repair and alignment of the camera
device that will hook into the hole that is in each rear
control assemblies and parts by direct support personnel
corner of the board assembly can be easily contrived
and it will reduce the possibility of damage to parts.
3-30. Observe normal precautions when repairing the
camera control.
b. Replacement.
3-17. Removal and Replacement of Camera Control
(1) Install the scan board assembly in the
bottom slide of the Control, Aircraft Camera LA-412A
A single procedure is given for
chassis with the component side of the board facing
removing all three electrical connector
a. Removal.
(2) A further check of the orientation should
be made by coordinating the index in the electrical
(1) Remove the connector cover (22, 23, or
contacts of the board with the position of the index key
24) from the electrical connectors 2J1, 2J2, and 2J3.
in the electrical connector, into which the board is
inserted. Then press the board into place.
(2) Remove the single screw (25) securing
the connector cover chain to the front panel.
(3) Make certain the board is fully and
squarely seated in the mating electrical connector.
b. Replacement. Attach the chain of a connector
cover (22, 23, or 24) to the front panel in the position
3-20. Removal and Replacement of Control Board
shown in figure 3-8. Apply glyptal to the screw threads.
a. Removal. The procedures for removing the
3-18. Removal and Replacement of Control Panel
control board assembly are identical to the removal of
Shielding Gasket (fig. 3-8)
the scan board assembly (para 319a).
a. Removal. Remove cover (1). Pry shielding
gasket (34) from the recess in the inside face of front
b. Replacement. Replace a control board
panel (28). Clean the recess thoroughly.
assembly by following the procedures of paragraph 3-
19b, except that the control board assembly is installed
b. Replacement.
in the center slide of the chassis and with the
component side facing up.
(1) Cut a strip of shielding gasket (34) on the
bias and in sufficient length to encircle the recess in the
3-21. Removal and Replacement of AEC Board
back of panel (28).
a. Removal. The procedures for removing the aec
(2) Apply a 1/8-inch dab of epoxy adhesive in
board assembly are identical to the removal of the scan
each of the four corners and the approximate centers of
the recess.