Page 55, paragraph 55c.
Add subparagraph c.1 after subparagraph c:
c. 1. Reflector, Projector, Still Picture PH-637B/PFP. Open the rear
door of the projector (fig. 28). Unscrew the two reflector retaining
screws and carefully lift off the reflector. To replace the reflector, posi-
tion the reflector and secure it with the reflector retaining screw pre-
viously removed. Close the rear door.
Subparagraph d(3), last sentence. Add the following after the last
sentence: In the PH-637B/PFP, a heat-absorbing filter (fig, 28.1)
is mounted in front of the condensing lens. Remove the heat-
absorbing filter by pulling it. laterally from the two channels
that hold it; pull away from the captive screw. Removal of
the condensing lens in the PH-637B/PFP is the same as for the
Subparagraph e, heading. Change the heading to: Lamp Socket,
Projectors PH-637/PFP and PH-637A/PFP (figs. 29 and 30).
Subparagraph e. Add subparagraph e.1 after subparagraph e:
C .1. Lamp Socket, Projector, Still Picture PH-637B/PFP.
(1) Open the rear door of the projector and then open the lamp
house door (fig. 7). Remove the projection lamp from its
(2) Rack the projection head assembly (fig. 1) up off the support
poet, and set it carefully to one aide.
(3) Lay the housing on its aide.
(4) Remove the six bottom cover mounting screws and the bottom
cover from the projector housing (fig. 29.1).
(5) Remove the four lamphouse bottom cover mounting screws that
secure the lamphouae bottom cover and the one lamphouse top
mounting screw from the top of the projector housing (fig. 20.1).
Remove the four lamphouse mounting bolts (fig. 29.1) and the
two lamphouse adjusting bracket from the lamphouse bottom
(6) Carefully work the lamphouse (fig. 29.2) partially out of the
projector housing; loosen the cable clamp screws and feed the
lamp filament wires through the grommet, as required, to reach
the lamp socket attaching screws.
(7) Take out the two lamp socket attaching screws and lift the
lamp socket free.. Disconnect the electrical leads and remove
the socket.
(8) To replace the lamp socket, reverse the instructions given in
(1) through (7) above. Whenever the four lamphouse mounting
bolts are loosened, the alignment of the lamp with reference to
the condenser lens must be rechecked (par. 59f ) .
Page 57, paragraph 55f. Make the following changes:
Subparagraph (1). Add the following note after subparagraph (1):
Note. On the PH-637B/PFP, the motor mountings are held by sheet
metal screws; no washers or nuts are used.