Page 53, paragraph 55b(2). Add subparagraph (3) after subparagraph
(3) Projector, Still Picture PH-637B/PFP.
(a) Remove the retainer mounting screws (fig. 26.1) and the re-
tainer strips.
(b) Lift off the plate glass and place it on a clean, smooth, flat
(c) Carefully lift the projection stage (with the Fresnel con-
densing lens in place) off the housing.
(d) Free the Fresnel condensing lens by pushing in on the spring
clips. Note the position of the Fresnel condensing lens and
carefully lift it out of its stage. Be careful not to scratch,
bend, or break the Fresnel condensing lens.
(e) Replace the Fresnel condensing lens, projection stage, and
plate glass cover by reversing the instructions given in (a)
through (d) above.
P a g e 5 4 , p a r a g r a p h 5 5c, heading. Change heading to: Reflector.
Projectors PH-637/PFP and PH-637A/STA/PFP.
Figure 28.1. Condensing lens and heat absorbing, PH-637B/PFP. (Added)