TM 10-3610-203-14
b. Set up the Generator. Refer to the appropriate generator technical manual for instructions on installation and
operation of the 15 KW generator.
e. Connect Power Cable to Shelter. Connect the primary power cable to the input power receptacle located near the
door of the shelter prior to connecting the cable to the power source. The cable connector and the receptacle are keyed
to ensure proper connection. The leads of the power cable are color coded as follows:
Phase A - black - Pin 1
Phase B - red - Pin 2
Phase C - green - Pin 3 (Marked with blue band)
Neutral - white - Pin 4
d. Setting-Up Equipment. Plug the power cords of the individual items of equipment into the wall receptacles
provided near their operating positions. Specialized preoperating instructions for individual items of equipment, where
necessary, will be found in the respective commercial equipment manuals provided with the shelter. Position all circuit
breakers in main power service box to on.
4-3. Dismantling For Movement
Prior to movement to a new worksite, a certain amount of disassembly will be required. The degree of disassembly will
depend to a great extent on the distance to be traveled to a new site and the time to be spent in transit. Analysis of the
individual situation should determine the extent to which the following procedures will be followed.
a. Preparation For Movement. Dismantle the shelter unit as follows:
(1) Drain the water storage tank by opening the water drain valve and draining the water through the faucet into a
suitable receptacle. Then close the water tank drain valve. Drain the water from the humidifier water tank by opening
the humidifier drain valve and draining the water into a suitable container. Then close the humidifier drain valve.
(2) Remove all expendable materials and supplies in accordance with the applicable commercial technical
(3) Position all circuit breakers in main power service box to off.
(4) Apply an approved preservative compound to all unfinished metal surfaces of the various pieces of equipment.
(5) Fasten the tiedown straps which secure the smaller items of equipment inside the shelter. (The larger items of
equipment are shock mounted in position.)
(6) Correctly stow access ladder.
(7) Disconnect and stow input power cable. Cap power receptacle.
(8) Ensure all cabinet and bench doors and drawers are securely latched and that fieldphone connection cover is
(9) Using an approved pressure sensitive tape, cover all shelter apertures.
(10) Close and lock shelter door with the padlock provided.
b. Loading For Movement. If the shelter is situated on the ground at the current worksite, the following steps
describe the procedures for loading and transporting the shelter unit to the new worksite. The shelter may be transported
by either rail, truck or air.
(1) Install sling assembly as shown in figure 4-1, ensuring that the turnbuckle ends of the sling cables are connected
to the lifting eyes.