TM 10-3610-203-14
4-1. Inspecting and Servicing the Equipment
When the press unit of the special warfare printing plants is received by an organization, it must be inspected and
serviced to prepare it for operation. These services will be performed by organizational maintenance personnel. The
operator will assist the maintenance personnel when so directed by the commanding officer.
a. Unpacking. Remove the tape seals which secure the doors and other apertures of the shelter during transit.
Remove the tiedown straps which secure the smaller items of equipment inside the shelter. The individual items of
equipment in the shelters are usually transported intact in their operating position and no installation procedures are
deemed necessary. Remove paper or other packing material from cables, etc. Use care when unpacking any of the
items of the unit.
b. Inspecting. Inspect the shelter and all equipment and material packed therein for damage during transit. Report
all deficiencies on the proper form (see TM 38-750).
c. Removal of Preservatives. Remove, with SD (solvent, drycleaning), the preservative compound which has been
applied on all unfinished metal surfaces of the various pieces of equipment. Because this compound is not a lubricant,
take special care to see that it is removed completely from all wearing surfaces.
d. Fill Water Storage Tank. Fill the water storage tank in the shelter as follows:
(1) Check to be sure that all valves in the water line are closed.
(2) Remove the tank filler cap located on the roof of the shelter.
(3) Fill the tank to its full capacity of approximately 10 gallons (37.8 liters) with clean water, and replace the filler
(4) Open the humidifier supply valve allowing the humidifier water tank to fill to its preset level.
e. Preventive Maintenance Services. The maintenance services performed at the time of receipt of the equipment
will begin the regularly scheduled organizational maintenance PMCS.
4-2. Installation
The shelter is installed for operation either on the bed of a 2 1/2 ton, 6x6 cargo truck or on the ground. Check the level
at the rear of the shelter and at the left side of the shelter, and make any adjustments necessary to level the shelter.
After the shelter has been installed at the worksite, perform the setup procedures described in the following paragraphs:
Do not connect shelter to power supply or attempt to operate shelter equipment until the shelter
is properly connected to a suitable ground. Failure to observe this warning may result in serious
injury or death.
a. Ground the Shelter. Before the shelter is connected to a power source, it must be grounded as follows:
(1) Select a bolt or screw to which the ground lead can be fastened securely, and attach the lead to the bolt.
(2) Remove any paint or grease from the ground rod. Select the lowest, dampest area within 10 feet (3 meters) of
the bolt to which the ground lead is attached, scoop out a hole about 6 inches (15 cm) deep, and drive the ground rod
into the hole until only about 3 inches (7.5 cm) of the rod extends above the ground.
(3) Attach the ground lead to the ground rod; then saturate the ground around the rod with water.