cticable, consist of units
single typo, grade,
manufactured, repa
time and stored under the same conditions. It is
recommended that equipments from different
limited production buys be placed in different
lots and that equipment serial numbers, by lim-
uirements for
ited production buy, be used as lot formation
(3) Lot size. The lot size is the total number
of individual like items in the lot that is to be in-
Packaging Requirement Code
Environmental Test Methods
b. Sampling Procedure.
(1) Sample selection. Select samples of ma-
tenance of Army Material
terial in a way which will assure that each unit
Depot Inspection Standard for Re-
in the lot has an equal chance of being selected.
pared Signal Equipment
Biased methods, such as selecting items from the
Depot Inspectton Standard for Re-
TB SIG 355-2
same position in a container, pallets, or stacks;
finishing Repaired Signal Equip-
taking items all from one location; or selecting
items that appear defective, will not be used.
Depot Inspection Standard for Mois-
TB SIG 355-3
(2) Sample size. Use table 1 of MIL-STD-
ture and Fungus Resistant Treat
105D, General Inspection Level II, to obtain the
sample size code letter, and table IIA of MIL-
Depot Inspection Standard for Balanc-
TB SIG 355-4
ing Rotating Parts and Assemblies
STD-105D, to obtain the sample size using the
storage quality level shown in (3) below.
Operator and Organizational Main-
TM 11-6720-244-12
tenance Manual Camera Set, Still
(3) Storage quality levels (SQL).
Picture KS-15(4)
(a) Mechanical-visual inspection:
TM 38-750
The Army Maintenance Management
SQL 1.0 percent; major SQL 2.5 percent: minor
System (TAMMS)
SQL 10 percent.
5. Other Directives.
(b) Electrical: critical SQL 1.0 percent
major SQL 2.5 percent.
(c) Preservation, packaging, packing, and
General Policies and Principles for
AR 795-17
marking: major SQL 4.0 percent; minor SQL 10
Furnishing Army Material on a Grant
Aid Basis
(d) The acceptance or reject number for
General Policies and Principles for
AR 795-204
the above SQLs shall be the same as those
Furnishing Defense Articles and
Service on a Sale or Loan Basis
shown for comparable quality levels (AQLs) in
table IIA of MIL-STD-105D.
6. Inspection Criteria. a. Lot Criteria.
c. inspection Requirements.
The following
(1) Lot definition.
A lot is defined as a
mechanical-visual inspections shall be performed:
group of like items from which a sample is drawn
(1) Inspect case for physical damage, condi-
and inspected to determine conformance with the
tion, and finish.
acceptability criteria. The following examples:
(2) Inspect all controls and switches for
(a) A group of like items in storage, which
was received in a shipment, with the following
proper operation and loose, or missing hardware.
identical markings:
(3) Inspect all connectors, plugs, and cord
1. Purchase order number.
2. Date packaged or packed.
(4) Inspect cabling and wiring for potential
3. Depot certification stamp and date.
(6) A group of like items repaired or re-
kinks, and strain.
built by the Maintenance Division in one produc-
(5) Inspect solder connections for missin
tion run.
solder, cold solder. and improper wrap.
(2) Lot formation. T h e i t e m s s h a l l b e a s -
ible, incorrect, or missing
sembled into identifiable lots. Each lot shall, as