2. Packing. Packing shall be level A. B, or C as
specified. Shipping containers for all levels shall
ll be level A, or C
be capable of stacking and supporting superim-
posed loads during shipment and storage without
damaging the container(s) or its contents.
The camera set shall be
a. Level A.
cleaned in accordance with process C-l of MIL-P
- 116.
set packaged as specified in 1 above, shall be
(2) Drying. The camera set shall be dried in
packed within a close-fitting fiberboard box con-
accordance with applicable procedure of MIL-P-
forming to PPP-B-636, type CF, class weather-
resistant. Box closure shall be as specified in the
(3) Preservation application. None required.
appendix of the box specification. To facilitate
palletization, fiberboard boxes shall be uniform in
(4) Unit Packaging. Unit packaging shall be
size and contain equal quantities of the packaged
in accordance with the methods prescribed in
items to the greatest extent practicable.
MIL-P-116 as specified herein.
Technical litera-
(2) Palletized load. A quantity of containers,
(a) Technical literature
ture shall be packaged method 1C-1 of MIL-P-
packed as specified in a (1) above shall be placed
on a pallet, load type 1, conforming to MIL-STD
-147 except that the pallet shall be soitwood
Each camera set
(b) The Camera Set
conforming to NN-P-71, type IV, size 2. A fiber-
shall be individually packaged method 1A-14 as
board cap shall be employed over the load having
follows: Place the camera and accessories within
two sides extending down the stacked load at
the designated compartments of the carrrying
least 12 inches to accommodate marking require-
case, close the case and secure with fasteners
ments. The cap shall be fabricated of fiberboard
provided. Cushion the case on all surfaces with
conforming to PPP-F-320, class weather-resistant,
pads or cells or both fabricated of fiberboard con-
W5s or V3s. The load shall be bonded to the
formmg to PPP-F-320, type CF, class domestic,
pallet by strapping.
variety SW, grade 200. designed to protect all
(3) Less than palletized loud. When quanti-
handling and transit. Place the cushioned case
ties per destination are less than a pallet load,
within a close fitting fiberboard conforming to
the containers packed as specified in a(l) above
PPP-B-636. type CF, class domestic, variety SW,
shall be water-proofed, with tape conforming to
grade 200. Close the box with tape conforming
PPP-T-76, in accordance with the taping require-
to PPP-T-45, type III. Blunt all corners of the
ments of the appendix of the box specification.
box and cover any exterior stapling or stitching
A quantity of the waterproofed containers shall
with tape conforming to PPP-T-45. Place the
be packed within a close-fitting box conforming
box within a barrier bag fabricated of material
to PPP-B-601, overseas type; PPP-B-621, style
conforming to MIL-B-131, class 1, with sufficient
4, class 2: or PPP-B-585, style 2 or 3, class 3.
allowance in one direction to permit two subse-
When the gross weight exceeds 200 pounds, or
quent resealings. Place the sealed bag within a
the container length and width is 48 x 24 inches
close-fitting fiberboard
box c o n f o r m i n g t o
or more and the weight exceeds 100 pounds, 3 x
P P P - B - 6 3 6 . t y p e C F . class weather-resistant.
4 inch skids, laid flat, shall be applied in accord-
variety SW, grade W5C.
Cover any interior
ance with the requirements of the container spec-
stapling or switching of the box with tape con-
ification, or if not specified in the specification, in
a manner which will adequately support the item
1. type 1, class B.