TM 11-6730-235-35
to last digit of the number to indicate hundredths,
reference number (manufacturer's part number), or
reference designation is known. The first column in
and multiplying the decimal factor by the parts
quantity authorized in the 51-100 allowance
each index is prepared in numerical and/or
alphanumeric sequence in ascending order. Where a
column. Example: authorized allowance for
Federal stock number is not listed, refer to the
51-100 equipments is 40; for 150 equipments
reference number (manufacturer's part number)
multiply 40 by 1.50 or 60 parts required.
immediately following the Federal Stock number.
g. One-Year Allowances per 100 Equipments/
Contingency Planning Purposes, Column 8. This
b. When the Federal stock number is known,
follow the procedures given in (1), and (2) below.
column indicates opposite the first appearance of
each item the total quantity required for distri-
(1) Refer to the index of Federal stock
bution and contingency planning purposes. The
numbers (sec. IV) and locate the Federal stock
range of items indicates total quantities of
number. The FSN is cross-referenced to the
authorized items required to provide for adequate
applicable figure and reference designation.
support of 100 equipment for 1 year.
(2) When the reference designation is de-
h. Depot Maintenance Allowance per 100
termined, refer to the reference designation index
Equipments, Column 9. This column indicates
(sec. V). The reference designations are listed in
opposite the first appearance of each item the total
alphanumeric ascending order and are cross-
quantity authorized for depot maintenance of 100
referenced to the page number on which they
equipments. Subsequent appearances of the same
appear in the repair parts list (sec. II). Refer to the
item will have the letters "REF" in the allowance
page number noted in the index and locate the
column. Items authorized for use as required but
reference designation (col. 10b). If the Description
not for initial
are identified with an
column indicates that it is a "same as" item, locate
asterisk in the allowance column.
the first appearance of the item by the index
number, referenced.
i. Illustrations, Column 10. This column is
divided as follows:
c. When the reference designation is known,
follow the procedure given in b (2) above.
Figure number, Column 10a. Indicates
the figure number in which the item is shown.
d. When neither the FSN nor reference desig-
nation is known, identify the part in the
number or reference designation,
illustration and follow directions given in c above,
Column 10b. Indicates the reference designation
or scrutinize column 3 of the repair parts list.
used to identify the item in the illustration.
B-4. Special Information
B-6. Federal Supply Code for Manufacturers
Repair parts mortality is computed from failure
rates derived from experience factors with the
individual parts in a variety of equipments.
Variations in the specific application and periods
06247. . . . General Electric Co., Lamp Metals and Com-
ponents Dept.
of use of electronics equipment, the fragility of
electronic piece parts, plus intangible material and
08863. . . . Nylomatic Corp.
quality factors intrinsic to the manufacture of
15329. . . . Salisbury Metal Products Co.
electronic parts, do not permit mortality to be
28520. . . . Heyman Mfg. Co.
based on hours of end item use. However, long
periods of continuous use under adverse conditions
31535. . . . Buhl Projector Co, Inc.
are likely to increase repair parts mortality.
73586.... Circle F. Industries
77122. . . . Palnut Co.
B-5. Location of Repair Parts
78537.... Star Porcelain Co.
a. This appendix contains two cross-reference
91929. . . . Honeywell, Inc., Micro Switch Division
indexes (secs. IV and V) to be used to locate a
96906. . . . Military Standards
repair part when either the Federal stock number,
[next page is B-4]