TM 11-6720-248-12
based on hours of end item use. However, long periods
eral stock number or part number by scrutiny of the
of continuous use under adverse conditions are likely to
numbers listed in columns 2 and 3.
c. When the reference designation is determined,
increase repair parts mortality.
refer to the reference designation index (sec VI). The
reference designations are listed in alphanumerical order
D-5. Location of Repair Parts
and are cross referenced to the page number on which
a. This appendix contains two cross reference
they appear in the repair parts list (sec III). Refer to the
indexes (sect. V and VI) to be used to locate a repair
page number noted in the index and locate the reference
part when either the Federal stock number, reference
designation (col 7b). If the word "REF" appears in the
number (manufacturer's part number), or reference
allowance column for the repair part, note the Federal
designation is known. The first column in each index is
stock number (col 2) or manufacturer's part number (col
prepared in alphanumerical sequence. The reference
3). Refer to the FSN index and note the reference
numbers (manufacturer's part numbers) are listed
designation for that FSN or part number. Refer to the
immediately following the last listed Federal stock
reference designation index' and note the page number
number in the index of Federal stock numbers.
given for the reference designation. Refer to the page
b. When the Federal stock number is known, follow
noted in the RPSTL (sec III) and locate the reference
the procedures given in (1), (2). and (3) below.
designation in column 7b of the repair parts list.
(1) Refer to the index of Federal stock
D-6. Federal Supply Codes for Manufacturers
numbers (sect. V) and locate the Federal stock number.
Manufacture's Name
The FSN is cross-referenced to the applicable figure and
Honeywell Inc., Building Controls and
item or reference designation.
(2) Refer to the RPSTL (sec III) and locate the
Controls Division
figure number (col 7a) and item or reference number
Polaroid Corp.
(col. 7b) as noted in the FSN index.
Lavelle Rubber Co.
(3) If the FSN or manufacturer's part number
Dimco Gray Co.
is not listed in the index, refer to columns 2 and 3 of the
Mallory Capacitor Co.
RPSTL (sect. III) and locate the Fed
Mast Development Co.