TM 11-6720-242-35
h. OPERATE Lamp. The OPERATE lamp flashes
b. The heat sink assembly, located at the top of
once during each camera cycle. It will light continuously
the camera control, provides the voltage for the
to indicate that the film supply has been exhausted or
the film torn. When pressed, it indicates the presence
supply, located at the bottom of the camera control,
of +22vdc regulated.
Internally the control panel
provides various voltages used throughout the camera
contains the following:
i. Interface Board Assembly. The interface board
located on the front panel of the camera control, protect
the dc (CB1, 1 1/2 amp.) and ac (CB2, 3 amp.) inputs to
+22vdc regulated power supply, frames remaining
the camera.
indicator and fail safe pulse generator, annotation pulse
c. Three electrical connectors on the front panel of
circuit, imc signal driver, and several test circuits.
the camera control provide cable connections to the
j. Filter FLI. Both the incoming and outgoing
body (2J1), control panel (2J2), and the test set (2J3).
voltages pass through and are filtered by the radio
2-5. Functioning of Control Panel
aircraft are applied to FL1 through connector 3J1
The control panel is a separate mounted assembly
located at the rear of the control panel.
which contains the controls and indicators of the camera
k. Connector 3J2. Connector 3J2 connects the
system. The control signals, generated in the control
control panel to the camera control.
panel, are the power signal, operate signal, extra picture
2-6. Functioning of Optics System
signal, and the various V/H and mode signals. The
The optical system, located in the body, consists of two
visual indicators on the edge-lighted panel are used to
separate functions: the prime photographic components
functionally monitor the operation of the camera system.
The external indicators and their functions are as
assembly that projects data from the recording head
POWER Switch. The Power
assembly (rha) of the data annotation system (adas), of
switch supplies incoming power to the camera system,
the aircraft, for photographic recording on the film (fig.
placing the camera in a ready mode.
b. V/H SEL Switch. The V/H SEL switch selects
a. A 3 inch f/2.8 lens, an aperture consisting of
the v/h input for the camera system from the manual v/h
automatically positioned diaphragm blades and portions
or from an automatic v/h command signal.
of the mechanisms which control automatic exposure
c. OPERATE Switch. The OPERATE switch
control (aec) and image motion compensation (imc) are
controls the camera system. It completes the scan drive
mounted on a carriage assembly below the focal plane
circuit and initiates functional operation of the camera.
of the camera (fig. 3-3). A double-dove prism is rotated
in front of the lens on an axis parallel to the line of flight
PICTURE switch causes the camera to expose a single
and the film is advanced across a narrow slit (shutter),
frame each time the switch is depressed when the
which is also oriented parallel to the line of flight.
POWER switch is set to ON.
b. In one cycle, the prism is rotated 180 degrees.
Before the start of its photographic scan, the prism is
switch selects the v/h scaling required for either a
forward oblique mounted camera or a vertically
degree rotational angle then follows to scan the 180
mounted camera. It locks out imc in the forward oblique
degrees required for photography.
A 45-degree
mounted camera.
deceleration angle completes the 180-degree prism
f. FRAIMES RE.MALVI.1NG Counter. The
FRAMES REMAINING counter indicates the number of
c. The advancement of the film across the nar1-ow
frames remaining in the camera.
slit (shutter) is in synchronism with the prism rotation.
The film lies above a continuously rotating rubber
illuminates when the POWER switch is set to ON thus
covered cylinder (puck) and it is brought into frictional
indicating the presence of +28vdc. When pressed, it
engagement with the puck intermittently by the pressure
indicates the presence of 115vac 400Hz.