Desert Maintenance of Ground Signal Equip-
Tropicalization of Photographic Equipment.
TB SIG 149
TB SIG 189
Cold Weather Photography.
Operation of Signal Equipment at Low Temper-
TB SIG 219
6. Test Equipment References
TM 11-664
Theory and Use of Electronic Test Equipment.
TM 11-5527
7. Photographic References
TM 11-404A
Photographic Print Processing Unit
TM 11-405
Processing Equipment PH-406.
Elements of Signal Photography.
TM 11-401
TM 1l-2363
Darkroom PH-392.
8. Forms
a. DD Form 6, Report of Damaged or Improper Shipment, will be
filled out and forwarded as prescribed in SR 745-45-5 (Army), Navy
Shipping Guide, Article 1850-4, and AFR 71-4 (Air Force).
b. DA Form 468, Unsatisfactory Equipment Report, will be filled
out and forwarded to the Office of the Chief Signal Officer, as pre-
scribed in SR 700-45-5.
c. DD Form 535, Unsatisfactory Report, will be filled out and for-
warded to Commanding General, Air Materiel Command, Wright-
Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio, as prescribed in SR 70045-5
and AFR 65-26.
d. DA Form 11-256, Operator First Echelon Maintenance Check
List for Signal Corps Equipment (Projector Equipment), will be pre-
pared in accordance with the instructions printed on the back of the
e. DA Form 11-257, Second and Third Echelon Maintenance Check
List for Signal Corps Equipment (Projector Equipment), will be pre-
pared in accordance with instructions printed on the back of the
f. Use other forms and records as authorized.
TAGO 4738B