TM 11-2323
Page 65, paragraph 59f(3) (d) (page 14 of C2), line 1. Delete "For
the PH-637B/PFP, grasp."
Line 3. Change. "(fig. 39.1)" to: (fig. 29.1 and 29.3).
Paragraph 61d, last sentence. After the last sentence, add: On
the PH-637C/PFP, the roll pin which runs through the head-support
post should sit firmly in the notches of the upper locating bracket of
the yoke.
Page 69, appendix I (page 1 of C3). Under the heading "5. Other
Publications", make the following changes :
Delete the second item and its title, and substitute
DA Pamphlet 310-4
Index of Technical Manuals, Technical
Bullentins, Lubrication Order and Modi-
fication Work Orders.
Add the following:
The Army Equipment Record System and
TM 38-750
Delete paragraph 8 in appendix I.